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ScoutSniper  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Austria hänsen

Posted: | Last Online:

age: 20
gender: male
character: infantile, stupid, choleric (sometimes)

Once upon a time i used to be mid- as soldier/scout.

Then I lost spare time and interest in TF2 because I had to obtain my military duty for 6 month. After this hilarious time in the Austrian Armed Forces I enjoyed RL a lot.
On Oct 4th I start studing.

So what the hell am I looking for?
I am looking for a team where i can have fun.

Fun means for me:
You can stand criticism without starting a ragebattle.
No hilarious kids whining about senceless nonsence.
Great Guys who can take (insulting) jokes.
A Scout Buddy i can trust.

Ps: I can also play soly but i dont like to be dependent on the med (that much).
PPs: If you dont know me yet, consider I am known to the German Community as "Lord of Flame" but under the right cirrumstances I dont comply with this reputation. For more info hook me up on steam!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:24995617 Add Friend

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Joined I like trains !!! [6v6] imhanner
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Joined EYES ON U [6v6] RaZer.
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Joined Robert Hartlauer Syndikat [6v6] jaks
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  1. Relentless said:

    Comes with an original Viennese dialect (=awesome). I love him. No homo.

  2. ThUn: hf said:

    Definitely not a “lord of flame”!

    Nice Austrian with div 4 potential!

  3. Keeper: trick17 - ScS| said:

    awesome guy .
    you will definitely have a lot of fun with him.
    and if you don´t like his jokes you will just laugh cause of his austrian accent :D
    damn sure he is one of the nicest guys in the tf2-community.

    btw: he was quite good as solly/scout

  4. Pitman: eL| said:

    Der Lord of Flame in seiner ganzen Pracht^^
    Schlagt zu! Der Kerl hat wirklich Ahnung von Taktik.
    Er hat was drauf und mit ihm im Mumble, komm ich aus dem Lachen nicht mehr heraus.

  5. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    The one and only Lord of Flame – I love him! Good luck this time!

  6. Er!c: !?! said:

    So Hänsen ganz so kreativ wie du bin ich leider nicht ;)
    Aber du bist echt ein super, geiler Typ ;) Und def. nicht Lord of Flame!
    Sehr angenehmer Spielpartner mit guter Gamesense und viel Erfahrung. Div 4 mit train machbar. <3 Hänsen ;)

  7. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/65366/ ?

  8. POWERWILL said:

    I know him as a friendly guy with skill :)

  9. sweiny: trick17 said:

    u can have a nice time with him.. if u can deal with his constant verbal diarrhea

  10. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    riesen spast mit ner fetten homofanbase.

  11. hänsen: Team Popo! said:

    ippez is true :3

  12. Er!c: !?! said:

    *push* for the amazing austrian guy ;D

  13. Pagan?: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Hail to the LORD OF FLAME! xP
    No, funny guy with lots of skills! :)