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DemomanMedic  Mid Skill, 6v6

European Sadface

Posted by Maniekz0r: | Last Online:

We are all powerful players with big potential but lacking actual tf2 match experience. We want to improve but this will take a certain amount of time. We are all a happy bunch serious when needed but we all know how to smile<3. We've got both voice and a gaming server we can use. We hope to find a demoman/medic around mid skill to play with us in scrims and soon in etf2l / esl.Next thing preferably 16+,very active and a mature nature even though we joke around we dont want real kiddo's ;).

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  1. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhah n1

  2. Maniek: 2hard said:

    pardon? ;p

  3. sc0pe said:

    lol i’ve played with them..
    and all i can say is that they’re dont love using comms
    and after i told Maniek that i’d like to see more teams before i decide
    he’ve just said “fuck you”

    so ye, they’re mid-.

  4. Maniek: 2hard said:

    @ Sc0pe
    im very sorry but i dont remember i was insulting you.And even if i did,i said sorry just after that,im not raging kiddo,but you were just like “you bad” after first game which was crappy and you know why.One of ours crashed,before this we had been winning around 2:0 and the game was quite normal.But after crash i was like “uhh i have to play solly,i dont really like it” and whole team lost desire to play.It’s really not good thing to judge after one game,trust me.The last thing:if you ever feel offended-im sorry,i didnt mean it. =)

  5. sc0pe said:

    lies lies lies!

    after 1-0 to us 1 crashed and then we had 1 soli 2 scuts med and demo (which is stupid, 1 scut automatically gotta take soli) we’ve lost 4:1 and then i said that maybe one scut should take soli, and then we’ve started to win
    and you didnt insulted me tho, you’ve just show me how much you worth.. and its not really much sadly..

    so sadface on ya’.. your team isnt mid.
    low+ atleast.

    thx. bb.

  6. Maniek: 2hard said:

    thanks for your “honest” opinion!we really appreciate it;p and just to clarify,you are so childish :D you start flaming like “i know how much you worth” and stuff,please stop otherwise i will die laughing :D

    anyways,if you guys want to know what skill we REALLY are,just play with us =)

  7. The1clowN: 8( said:

    sc0pe no one of us insulted you were all a bunch of good guys but newer to the game, because were not used to comms you rage at us while u were casual bottom fragging games as demo, no offence bro i dont want to start a flame war <3 ur not a bad guy :)

  8. sc0pe said:

    i wont say anything its just stupid…

  9. Werewolf said:

    I can I can I can I can be a mediiic!