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ScoutSniper  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Spain Tsanummy

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I'm a low+/mid- scout and a mid-/mid Sniper that can help a Team on maps that require Sniper. I do the incomings, I know all the posis of every comp. map and I have a good aim. I'm searching for a pure mid- clan to improve and train which plays regular wars and is on the ESL and ETF2L seasons, or at least on one of them. I've been playing for 2 years and 1 year and 3 months in competitive way, Sniping is my passion and I've been meatshoting and inventing things since I started playing. Watching demos of top snipers and trying to imitate their moves in order to improve.

My english is average/good for talking, almost perfect for understanding and good for playing.

I've got 2 Sniper frag movies, the second one is older and it's from my startings on real clan wars. And the first one is old too but not as the second one.



As I play scout I know when to push and when to cover, I don't suicide, just call the incomings or trying to kill enemy scouts and if we have the advantage maybe I'll go for the medic but I don't do that much, I prefer to keep incoming ppl. I like to be the only one playing sniper, and that means I want to change in last point or when possible on the middle of the war to sniper because I CAN get the avantage easily, killing enemy medic, so, you can and may ask for a change if our scout is good enough to hold enemy scouts until I get 1-2 kills (Medic and Demo/Sollly).

Best Wishes

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One Comment

  1. Tsanummy said:

    Go Go Go! :´(