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DemomanMedicScoutSoldierSpy  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Ze Fashion Gestapo

Posted: | Last Online:

I am an awesome player been playing for a very long time. Got my start on TF2 on the Xbox playing vanilla which became boring after I began owning people there. Decided I wanted to come to PC where there is real competition. I am not a high-ranked player here but I feel I am very competent and wish to demonstrate that in this competition. I am willing to play any classes however I feel I am better at the ones I picked, in particular I feel the most competent with Spy, Soldier and Medic in that order. I am very excited about this comp and if anyone wants to play with me, or have me give some sort of demonstration I am perfectly willing. It makes sense not to accept my words on blind faith. I hope to hear back from you all soon. I lack recording software/equipment but I am willing to do whatever I can.

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  1. Australium Avenger said:

    The game has built in recording. Just use the console to record a demo. But my team may be needing a good Medic. And you could always sub if one of the others can’t be there for one of your other classes. But what sort of a Medic are you? I would like a guy who does heal, but can be a Combat Medic when he thinks it’s needed.

  2. GuyFawkes381: Ecompany said:

    We’re interested in your Spy abilities. Look into our team, (Easy Company, 2nd Battalion) and send me a friend request or steam message.