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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European Mercs 4 Hire

Posted by SilverEyedLK: | Last Online:

Mercs 4 Hire is a MGO (multy gaming organization) that has more then one squad. I am the leader of the Team Fortress 2 squad and i am searching for members that really want to progress and want to stay in a stable team and also would like to join s8.

Lets not make this a normal recruitment post and make something different.
I (we) would like the ones that do want to join us to have general game sense but it would be pretty cool if you have a low+ or higher skill level :P. I for one think i am a low+ player so if i have as my clan m8s to be at the same levels but if you are lower i can help you be better and then we can help each other grow from there.
A very important quality for any player is to accept constructive criticism. If you can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t accept it you will grow your skill level a lot harder. To get help you have to get criticisms. In a constructive way of course.
If you are serious or goofy its all ok as long as you get your game face on when its time for pcw or match.
Raging is something normal but i do think anything excessive is bad (including food) except for laughter.
As this is a gaming clan you would have to be pretty active. There are exceptions of course RL>Virtual life. But generally a 4 days a week or bigger is good. We generally play at night so if you are from 18 gmt till 20-22 gmt online we usualy game between those hours.

As what we can offer, well we have a team speak 3 server (currently the best voip on the market) sponsored by our organization leader Reaper (or kane as he is known) witch is used but all the organization members but has different sub-channels of course so we have our private area :P.
Like all respectable clans we have a game server :P. So of course we have a place to practice and play pcws and matches. The server is in UK sponsored again by our clan leader Reaper.
As i said i can help any member that is at a lower skill level then me :P. Also we are a pretty funny organization if i can do say so my self :P. So you will probably have a couple of laughs together.

We do search for backups to so thats why i left the medic one there.

I would like to point out that anyone that wants to join the organization for any other game is more then welcomed.

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  1. SilverEyedLK said:

    So it seems we found our second member. It is a scout and the first one was our first medic God Of Fail. He said he will make his scaduel to fit with the team so we can play. so we need 2 more sollys and a demo.

  2. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Recruitment threads are not meant for discussions, cleaned the off-topic posts.

    Good luck to MERCS 4 HIRE in their search.

  3. Reaper M4H said:

    Thankyou RaCio

  4. SilverEyedLK said:

    we still need 2 sollys and 1 demo. we have a trial for 1 solly and 1 demo. we still need the scout to because he left for another team….

  5. SilverEyedLK said:

    We found 1 scout. We just “trialled” a solly. Pretty good i might say :P. We still are searching for solly and demo since we only have trialls for that so you still have a chance. Also God of Fails said he might join another clan so we might be looking for a medic to. If you want to be a backup don’t be afraid to contact me :P.

  6. SilverEyedLK said:

    Ok. So it seems like GodOfFail is trialing for another clan so we need a new medic. As a trial for demo we had New Life. Good demo but its his choice if he wants to join the clan. As a solly trial we had severy but again its his choice. So we need a solly and a medic for the moment i guess.

  7. seantheman said:

    Yo, I wouldnt mind tryin out for soldier or medic,. I’ve had TF2 since release, but never had the chance to play competitively.

    I don’t know how the Skill rating system works ( low-high )…I know comeptitive is different, but I can easily hold my own on any server I’ve played on.

    Anyways, my steam name is CTASeantheMan if you want to add me.

  8. SilverEyedLK said:

    We need some more medic trials. We have a ton of sollys only 1 demo and no medics.

  9. Sipty said:

    If you’re still searching for a solly im your man – 3 years of experience, commited and well versed in english. Feel free to add me on steam : koko6ka

  10. Sipty said:

    just a little update : here is my steam ID page if you are having troubles with the id : http://steamcommunity.com/id/sipty

  11. Magitrek said:

    I can be a demo or a medic, preferably medic. Right now, I think I’m about mid- low+ skill level. I am very willing to work with a variety of team members. Here’s my ID page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/magitekkefka

  12. Catsby said:

    I am good at playing both Soldier and Demoman ( but im better at demoman) and would love to join your team. I’ve never played competetive before but i bet we’ll get along. Im from sweden and i would say that i speak more than decent english.

  13. Catsby said:

    I can also play medic if so needed :P

  14. zote said:

    If your still looking for a solly id like to have a try out. Can also play scout if needed. active, good team player, motivated to improve.

    Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mthw924

  15. TYRANNOSAURUS: sf. - sf. said:

    If you’re still looking for a medic, hit me up.

  16. SilverEyedLK said:

    wow. so manny responces. glad to see that. yes we are still recruiting. added all of you i think :).

  17. SilverEyedLK said:

    bump. seems like we keep getting fail trialls ^^. we are still looking for solly demo medic and a backup ascout because jerz1 seems to have less time since school started.