
Posted by Stimpy: | Last Online:
Something to listen to so you dont fall asleep… ;)
We are a newly formed team of members that have played for a while together. We aiming to improve and climb through the divisions. We are looking for a dedicated demo and medic.
Hate to add the Mid- bit but we are improving very fast, were not like everyone who is Mid- we actually have a good chance. (Thanks to Loco, Ups & Huhy.)
What we expect from you
1. You MUST be able to take criticism
2. Be committed to improving, this is essential!
3. No Rage
4. Some Div 4 experience would be ideal.
5. Good Coms! We cannot stress this enough, you must speak fluent English. If you dont, dont bother applying.
What you can expect from us:
1. A friendly team determined on improving
2. Constructive criticism
3. Mentoring from higher div players
4. And of course, website, mumble and game servers
We try and play every night 8-10pm GMT+0 – Dont worry if you cant play every night just try and get on for most.
If you want a trial, contact us by adding Djshrew or Jonesy on steam.
DjShrew: Soli.
Jonesy: Soli.
Dave: Scout.
Frix: Medic.
Mattdog: Demo
Jim: BACKUP: Scout/Sniper.
Raven: BACKUP: Medic.
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Played against these guys when they were in CiC, had a very close game on spamlands, rolled us on gully, good potential, gl! guys
merced for them once. Very nice guys good players, and i’m sure they could go far :)
and ofc. they have shrew, 1 awesome person and player :)
Good luck guys :)
Shrew making a team? it must be good :) gl mate hope it will work out good for you
CiC were a very good team.I seem to remember Shrew carrying them when they rolled us so any Div5/4 players could do worse than joining them.If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m only div6 I would trial for them.Shrew’s a good guy so good luck to them in the future.
Drew is one of the nicest people around, very dedicated, always friendly.
I don’t know any of the others.
Good luck drew mate ;)
From what I have seen Shrew & Jonesy have an awesome partnership – Shrew’s got the gamesense and Jonesy’s just a fragging machine! :D
Shrew is a great guy, really does do alot for the community imo – helpful guy (helped me back in the day, showed me how to play demo :P)
Gl guys – will deffo go far.
Nice team, and the right ppl in there.
<3 DJ, one of the best guys i worked with!!!
All the best for you lads!!
I’d like a trial :)
– added
+1 to what has already been said. Good bunch of guys that can go far.
Good Luck :P
had some very good trialists so far and our mentor seems to think we maybe able to enter at div 4 ish.
DJ is a lovely guy
Jonesy is an annoying solly to medic against, Im sure they can div4 with 2 more decent players. gl
should give this guy a trial;
Added more details as we just got sponsored.
We’ve just been offered a position in a organisation, ( Riverside-Esports) which should help us in our way up, we currently have a chance of at least server backing and more depending on how we improve as a team once we have our full roster, hopefully this is another step in the right direction for us.
I’d like to add a few more details about our org situation to avoid confusion with the details.
We’ve basicly been picked up by Riverside-esports as a team for them as a multi-gaming organisation, though this doesn’t tie us into any sponsors directly though to my knowledge it indirectly connects us to the danish mumble company, “” as are one of Riversides sponsors, though in this situation Riverside have obviously also offered to pay for our match server.
Our situation with Riverside is quite basic currently, though we haven’t signed any contracts and are not tied in in anyway we’ve basicly got your standard give and receive relationship going on when it comes to us becoming a decent team and been good sports about how we play and I’d like to think we’ll stick with them for a long time, hopefully as long as possible for both sides.
When it comes to lan support they have explicitly stated that their cs/css team will not get it untill the team proves to be a viable lan team at a decent level, and I believe we will be under the same terms though I specificly said we won’t be asking for much from them at this time and I don’t see us looking for the lan support for a long time currently.
(Figured I’d post that to make some things clear)
Great bunch of guys, had a lot of fun mixing with them.
hi team, this is slam, and wanted to say you could have a chance with, trying to get a team like that
playing medic for these guys when i can
really good team with potential to go far if they can get in 1-2 quality players
all the best a nice team to play with, good teamplay and good coms,
give em a shot you may be suprised :)
As a team to play with them, but not played with the mouse – you play a soldier, white Russians and spent a negligee-dressed teams only then that I want to get stuck in yo!
I read the previous post and didn’t understand a thing. Seems like I need to learn English once more.
Pissmidget – yes: i’m going with Hebrew k
RIVERSIDE.TF2 DjShrew [GM]: lol
Pissmidget – yes: mmm nah that’s too sensible
Pissmidget – yes: I think we have a winner
Pissmidget – yes: jebus
RIVERSIDE.TF2 DjShrew [GM]: lol
Pissmidget – yes: you’re welcome :D
He uses online translators to translate form english to russian, then russian to english.. and thats what it comes up with. ;)
Right we just need a scout. Maybe full time maybe backup, depends on weather JIM wants to go back to CSS. Silly Boy!!!!
Would like to trail.
Good team is good
Shrew’s team? Would be a moron not to try and join them
I would love a trial, adding you guys on steam