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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

Denmark Sir Remix

Posted: | Last Online:

Since some people have decided to backstab us in Failed Clan Name, im looking for a mid/top division 3 team to play in the next and upcoming seasons with.
I will also be available in the summer, so if you\'re in the AFS, that will be a plus.

Catch me on #mixmercs or add me on steam.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30641846 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Frømandskorpset [6v6] Sir Remix
Left FakkelBrigade Green [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined FakkelBrigade Green [6v6] Sir Remix
Left STRIP [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined STRIP [6v6] op
Left Failed Clan Name [6v6] Sir Remix
Left The Sexy Battle Medics [2v2] Sir Remix
Joined Failed Clan Name [6v6] plasma
Left fluffyanimals [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined fluffyanimals [6v6] n00ne
Left Smuk som et stjerneskud [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined Smuk som et stjerneskud [6v6] Sir Remix
Left Suitcase Nuke [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] GipsArm
Left The Forbidden Cloacas [Highlander] Sir Remix
Joined The Forbidden Cloacas [Highlander] Sir Remix
Joined Suitcase Nuke [6v6 Fun Team] Sir Remix
Left Flavour Of The Month [6v6 Fun Team] Brutallus
Joined Suitcase Nuke [6v6] rtan
Left Ha Team Shel Cata [6v6] Brutallus
Joined Flavour Of The Month [6v6 Fun Team] Brutallus
Joined Ha Team Shel Cata [6v6] Brutallus
Left SdX Gaming BLU [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined The Sexy Battle Medics [2v2] Sir Remix
Joined SdX Gaming BLU [6v6] Garm3n
Left SdX Gaming BLU [6v6] Garm3n
Joined SdX Gaming BLU [6v6] Garm3n
Left Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined Need a dispenser here! [1v1] Sir Remix
Joined Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Seeiya
Left Cake material [6v6] Sir Remix
Joined Cake material [6v6] buNN

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 17 868
View Div 2 32 1117
View Div 2 41 1585
View Div 2 2 127
View Mid 36 1023
View Mid 33 1204
View Mid 14 640
View Mid 21 711
View Mid 16 509
View Mid 27 650
View Mid 17 678
View Mid 0 186


  1. Blorg said:

    Very nice guy, with the skills to back it up!

  2. NoPhantasy: FRAGGA`s said:

    played him a couple of times, he seems to be a very good medic, gl man :)

  3. huhystah said:

    div 3 medic, good luck

  4. lolage: TSPAG said:

    nice guy, shame things have gone tits up with failed clan name.


  5. r7an: -9w- said:

    what happened the failed clan team i mean name?

  6. DouGie: CotC said:

    nice guy, div3 for sure. Try IDK.. :)

  7. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Kanroook and Scratchi joined Knights.

    Shame, was looking forward to playing you guys. :|

  8. plasma said:

    Great guy, dedicated and loyal. Lots of potential as a medic! Give him good sollies and he will heal your team to success :D GL mate

  9. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Great guy really friendly, deserves a great div3 team

    gl mate <3

  10. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Not a bad medic at all, should do good in div3.
    Nice guy too!

  11. TherioN said:

    Fixing the pro medic bwoizzzzzzzz!

  12. Mike: TEZC said:


  13. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:


  14. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    Very nice guy!!
    GL m8!

  15. Shampoo: FRENCHGOAT - STACK said:

    great medic with huge potential!

  16. Gobby Jensen said:

    Wow remix is bad -.-‘

  17. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:

    Gobby <3

  18. erratic said:

    Remix is a medic and doesnt afraid of anything :D really nice guy!

  19. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    SirRemix is a flaming homosexual, so he should fit in perfectly with almost any div3 team.

  20. PureX: U-D-D said:

    SirRemix is a flaming homosexual, so he should fit in perfectly with almost any div3 team.

  21. mrwhizz said:

    SirRemix is a flaming homosexual, so he should fit in perfectly with almost any div3 team.

  22. PureX: U-D-D said:


  23. lolage: TSPAG said:

    div1 at dropping ubers :D

  24. Slash from the sea said:

    big time noob… He DON’T KNOW WHAT MINECRAFT IS !!!!!!!!! suits any div3 asshole clan who doesn’t play Minecraft.. omg

  25. Mike: TEZC said:
