ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European Genesis

Posted by Kenny: | Last Online:

Hi!We are looking for a low+ scout/sniper and def solly.
We can give:
-Good comms
-Everyday pcw vs low+ teams
-Server (nl)

What we expect from you
-Russian comms
-Everyday active
-None RQ
-Expirience vs low+
-Good ping , without computer,internet problems.GMT max +4

If you are intrested write me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009569847/


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  1. MilkingCows said:

    I have added you

    i think

  2. fawlen: HB - Doj said:


  3. Fraa: LG said:

    fawlen you are drom israel and you speak russian?

  4. fawlen: HB - Doj said:

    yea just saw it and deleted him