ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Low+ Skill, 6v6

International Insane Dutch Killers ²

Posted by Kryzen: | Last Online:


Insane Dutch Killers second squad is currently on the look out for TWO new scouts for our main lineup. =[IDK]= is a very well established team with history reaching back over a period of 10 years! You can be sure that we are not a team that is going to fold next week. We are looking to go into div5 next season and we are getting great results vs div4/div5 teams.

What we are looking for:
2x Main scouts (Pref one having sniper offclass)
Low+/Mid- Skill with div4/div5 experience
Avaliable Sun-Thu 20-23 CET
18+ Pref
Motivated – We don\'t want to need to force you to get online
No rage
Good English comms
The will to improve

What we can offer:
No rage
Well planned tactics
Stable team
An awesome community
Gameserver & Mumble
Website & Forums

As a team we are really geared towards the will to improve as we hope to go very far, this is seen in the way we handle our tactics and map practice so we really need players who strive to improve.

If you think you are what we are looking for please get in touch with me on steam @ Shotgun969 or http://steamcommunity.com/id/KRYYY

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  1. DouGie: CotC said:

    awesome bunch of guys! Have alot of potential, can already handle div5, defo will be pushing the mid- skill very soon with two new scouts.

    Also don’t forget, =[IDK]= itself will be reaching 10years old this August, so you have a chance to be part of it all :)

    gl guys

  2. Relentless said:

    Will be worse now that playa isn’t carrying anymore :D (safety smiley ftw)

    j/k nice lads tbh and good players, gl

  3. Rikes: TFP said:

    Great team nice and friendly and has tons of skilled players

  4. freakz: [8U] said:

    pick meeeee !!!

  5. SWiFT: MAYOGURL - Poo said:

    If a spot is still open I would like to trail please!

  6. Niksen: Hang said:

    hi guys, I’m scout skill: low+. I don’t know, what to say… I’m Russian guy… My English: low+, mid- :D:D:D. If you need scout and you think that I can be in your team my steam is niksen777 and we’ll talk about all!

  7. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    Nice bunch of peeps!

    Lots of potential, need 2 dedicated scouts to complete their squad!

  8. Kryzen said:

    Position is still open.


    If you can’t play 7:30-10:30 GMT Sun – Thur , then I wouldn’t apply.

  9. kuma said:

    hot lot of potential in this team, dont miss out