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MedicSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European killerinstincts

Posted by kitties: | Last Online:

We are newly formed team from EU.
We are now recruiting new members for season 8 at div 5 at etf2l.

Currently we are looking for:
x2 Soldiers (3)*(Pocket prefer mid-)
x1 Medic (1)* (Prefer mid-)

Current Roster:

Scouts: kittiesgomad , Adriakus
Sollies: N/A
Demo: TeX
Medic: N/A

*- How much trialing.


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Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Low+ 15 707
View Low+ 1 230
View Low+ 0 58
View Low+ 2 239
View Low+ 4 449
View Low+ 5 386


  1. ursis said:

    accept me in steam

  2. kittiesgoamd said:

    actually now for trial we need x2 sollies so add me to steam now :)

  3. Adriakus: GWLoLa - ZW said:

    hi,add me steam

  4. flazeRis said:

    FAILED CLAN . Leaders are low skill and collect low+ players . FAILERS

  5. kittiesgoamd said:


  6. Blorg said:

    ”FAILED CLAN . Leaders are low skill and collect low+ players . FAILERS”

    What’s the difference :/

  7. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    low/low+ is kinda the same because your still gonna be playing against div5/6 teams so not really a difference

  8. Rikes: TFP said:

    is the scout spot taken?

  9. kittiesgoamd said:

    Now we have 2 pretenders to last scout place, we got 2 pretenders to demo place, and we now have one solly slot free for trial, so add me on steam. We prefer now low+/mid- players, because we got others with similar skill ;)

  10. kittiesgoamd said:

    Today we need much sollies for trial. Add me to steam friends ASAP!!!

  11. Niksen: Hang said:

    hi guys, I’m scout skill: low+. I don’t know, what to say… I’m Russian guy… My English: low+, mid- :D:D:D. If you need scout and you think that I can be in your team my steam is niksen777 and we’ll talk about all!

  12. kittiesgoamd said:

    Today we are trialing medic, demo, scout.
    Till tommorow we need 2 sollies low+/mid- for trial with all form.


  13. Niksen: Hang said:

    will you trail me???

  14. kittiesgoamd said:


  15. kittiesgoamd said:

    Need 2 sollies till today 7 PM GTM+2
    add kittiesgomad on steam! :)

  16. kittiesgoamd said:

    Bump, new post.

  17. kondor9: WO` said:

    hello. can i trial as med?

  18. Niksen: Hang said:

    hey guys, I understood, that I’m not accepted?

  19. kittiesgoamd said:

    yeah, sorry

  20. Cannady: hood said:

    added you for that soldier spot.

  21. kittiesgoamd said:

    Mid- Pocket Solly needed!!!

  22. algiosh4 said:

    there is low clan with low players, mid- wtf? :DD you are kid who play’s like low and your comms is very bad. all players who mix with him, now doesn’t wanna play with him, because he dont have a gamestyle “fragger from pub” and have very, very bad comms. kittiesgomad: “scout low”
    algiosh4: “where scout”
    kittiesgomad: “silence”
    and when he say low enemy have full hp.
    this clan is the best for low players.

  23. kittiesgoamd said:

    QQ some more ;//