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Soldier  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Germany beN

Posted: | Last Online:

Howdy guys,

I\'m lookin for a Team (Div2/3) as soldier, Season 8 will be my 6th season in the ETF2L.

I allready played 2 Seasons Div2 as soldier with GameControl/Animosity
I decided after that to help out friends in Div4 as demo but now I\'m willing to rock div2 as solly again.

-no problems with new builded teams
-Sun-Thu availible from 19CET
-willing to improve (blablalba)

hit me on steam if you wanna do some trial games with me

cheers beN

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33230348 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] schocky
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] beN
Left Knifeback Mountaineers [6v6] beN
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] schocky
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] beN
Joined Knifeback Mountaineers [6v6] Rafe
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined pinky [2v2] basH.
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] beN
Left WESTSTADT [6v6] beN
Joined .Highlander. [Highlander] beN
Left Game Control Highlander [Highlander] beN
Joined WESTSTADT [6v6] beN
Left Game Control [6v6] beN
Joined Game Control [6v6] beN
Left Maggots! [6v6] beN
Joined Maggots! [6v6] muffe
Left Game Control [6v6] beN
Joined Game Control [6v6 Fun Team] sexy_kroete
Left rockit like NeXt.GC [6v6 Fun Team] beN
Joined rockit like NeXt.GC [6v6 Fun Team] beN
Left [GC] [6v6 Fun Team] beN
Joined beN [1v1] beN
Joined Game Control Highlander [Highlander] sexy_kroete
Joined [GC] [6v6 Fun Team] sexy_kroete
Joined Game Control [6v6] beN

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid+ 7 1205
View Mid+ 8 784


  1. Kosta: Kot=Brot - FuDoo :> said:

    defo div 2/3 standard

    sometimes hard to handle but he is a nice person and has a good gamesense

    pimp him up

  2. GeaR: Epsilon said:

    Good soldier and caller and also a really nice guy. gl

  3. illii said:

    Solid soldier, a good addition to any team ^^


  4. crz: T4F said:

    Got the whole package… go and get him as long as he’s avail tho!

  5. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    remember good times in animosity, he carried a lot. Good luck ben, u deserve a mid div2 team for sure.

  6. Blackout said:

    benschi is rly nice person , div 2 solly for sure and got some epic calls there

  7. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Good luck matey!

  8. Demourge: EPA said:

    This german has the Demsii seal of approvement!

    gl BeNNie!

  9. flix: n2o said:

    DIV 2 soli

    he is a very nice guy and he has all hats!

  10. Spawnhawk: pB. said:

    ich sag es kurz in einem satz, er ist der aller größte spasst

  11. beNschI said:

    muss ich dich kennen?

  12. PeopleZ: WWCD said:

    he carrys!!

  13. gniedler: T4F - FuDoo :> said:

    very good player.

  14. Loco: Mayo said:

    im trialing soldiers pm me:

  15. m00n said:

    Great guy and soldier, div 2 without a doubt.

  16. HELMTU said:

    amazing caller and player

    just get him as soon as possible you wont regret it

    gl ben!

  17. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    My boy BeN is rock solid yo!
    Cool and calm under pressure, he is the man with the plan.
    Pick him up now playa!

  18. Mike: TEZC said:

    hopefully i’ll get to play with you tonight :]