ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerMedic  Low- Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Krimson

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys, I'm a 21 year old student from the UK and I'm new to the competitive side of tf2. I've been following competitive gameplay through forums and video and so now i'd like to get involved!

I'm pretty laid back and get on with people and have a lot of free time, I also have a microphone and the software needed for voice chat.

I'm looking for any team that would have me, be it laid back or seriously competitive. My class of choice would be Medic or Demo for competitive play but I can also pull off a fairly good Engi, Sniper and an average Soldier if needed. Thanks for reading, to contact me steam would probably be best.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34830614 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Left Team Vertex: The Derping 9 Edition [Highlander] Krimson
Left Krimson's Cool Klub [6v6] Krimson
Joined Krimson's Cool Klub [6v6] Krimson
Left Paradigm [6v6] Krimson
Joined Paradigm [6v6] Krimson
Left neXt [6v6] Atkins
Joined neXt [6v6] Atkins
Joined Team Vertex: The Derping 9 Edition [Highlander] Krimson
Left UK-TF [Highlander] Krimson
Left Destruction Committee [6v6] HYS
Joined Destruction Committee [6v6] HYS
Left Lethal-Zone Yellow [6v6] achy
Joined Lethal-Zone Yellow [6v6] Krimson
Left CiC Solar [6v6] emmz
Joined CiC Solar [6v6] Krimson
Left Ruin [6v6] Krimson
Joined Ruin [6v6] Krimson
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Krimson
Joined UK-TF [Highlander] Nagash
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] Krimson
Left CiC Solar [6v6] Krimson
Joined CiC Solar [6v6] Nagash
Left Clan 601 [6v6] Krimson
Joined Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1

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  1. DouGie: CotC said:

    welcome to etf2l mate :)

    gl finding a team!

  2. Bubbles1: 601. said:

    why dont you give clan 601 a look….

  3. KrimsonAer said:

    Hey Bubbles thanks, i’ll check the site/forums out :)