ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Sweden klan:fader

Posted by Geass: | Last Online:

So here we are, the in some circles legendary and in other despised klan:fader, looking for new players after more than half of our team had to cut down on playing due to real life stuff (mostly the rising of their kids).

After long discussion we decided to continue playing but with one major difference: You. Yes, you.

You see, playing organized 6v6 with a four man squad is not that easy, and therefore we are now recruiting a scout, a sollie and a medic. And while we are not some kind of super exclusive club, we have some basic requirements for all applicants:

* You need to speak Swedish. I know sound quite weird seeing as the post is written in English, but as most of you know, swedish completely fucks up the layout. Get on that D2M.
* You need to be mature. That does not mean you have be 30 years old, but as long as you\'ve got something up there and you don\'t REAG-out everytime you get fragged, it\'s cool.
* As a rule of thumb, you need to have a voice deeper than a 5 year old girl.
* You need to have some kind of experience of competitive play. While we are aiming on div 5 (for real this time) for the next season, we don\'t require you to be Ryb-level. However, if you are on the look for a new team, feel free to contact us! ;)
* You need to be playable at least 2-3 days a week. Which days depends on when everyone can play.
* You need to understand that we not only play to win, but to have fun. A lot of fun. Sometimes, we even have to much fun, resulting in heart failures and temporary diabetes (sorry Kevlar).
* You need to not be an arsehat. Srsly.

So what do you say? Take this once in a lifetime chance to play with seasons 6s div 6 team of the year 2009!

Post a comment below or add Blojan, Geass, Rotab or Overcow.

Oh, and if it helps, we do have our own Mumble- and TF2-server.

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  1. Sneis said:

    FADER is legendary =) hope u get 2 dudes to keep up the fun :P

  2. Norrlääänningen said:

    Hej hej, jag är intresserad av denna scout plats ni talar om. Det skulle vara mycket roligt att spela med legendariska FADER. :)

    Addar OC på steam.

  3. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    I love these guys, I really do. :D

  4. Ingwaz: KURT! - iNh said:

    Hade varit roligt att spela med er, eftersom jag gillar äldre män.

  5. Squeak said:

    Used to enjoy playing against these guys greatly :D

  6. tentaclerape: KURT! said:

    *badumtisch* Where I can has spot?

  7. Zaney Zap said:

    Hej, Jag skulle vilja söka mig in som Scout, Är i low+ skillen så det är väll inga problem med att trya hoppas jag! :)

  8. Skitkocken said:

    Hej, jag tänkte söka till platsen som medic. Jag är väl inte världens bästa men jag vet hur man spelar medic. :)

    Jag har Overcow på steam också.

  9. Spankstarr said:

    I honestly have to say that my time in FADER was by far the most fun i’ve had in any game to this day. The atmosphere in coms and the laughs pre/post games will make an entire day.
    Much love!

  10. Thoa: [FADER] said:

    Thx Spank. You did your part as well :)

  11. Oaktree: iNh said:

    hej på er,, jag skulle vilja trya för FADER,. jag kanske inte är i rätt skill level men det är upp till er att bedöma.. =) ja kan ju prova köra scout men jag har bara spelat soldier i klan förut,. förutom en kort period som scout i 3d,. för längesen,.

    det är bara höra av er..

  12. Skaz: KP said:

    no english speakers? =/

  13. zAkk: CiC said:

    Hej, jag skulle gärna vilja traila för er. Kontakta mig via Steamid

  14. FF63: YOYO\' said:

    Thoa has an awesome laugh.

  15. KanG said:

    Hej , Ja skulle vilja testa trya som soldier i FADER adda gaisaren på steam!