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MedicScoutSniper  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Finland Taimou

Posted: | Last Online:

*EDIT* Searching for a div2 clan as a medic.
Can play Scout/Sniper in div4/5. Would be pleased if I got recruited as a scout/sniper to a div3 team, because I really have the potential and time to improve, if you just give me chance 8). Been doing well when mercing and mixing with all DM classes.

Thanks, Taimou :-)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32206786 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Indeed [6v6] Lazybear
Joined Indeed [6v6] Sonny Black
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Left R.I.P. RCTIC.TF2 [6v6] Kop
Left That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] Kop
Joined That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] Taimou
Left SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] Taimou
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] Taimou
Joined SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] Punkka
Joined 6v6 wouldbegoodifitwassoldiersonly [6v6] Taimou
Left We won all games in prem [6v6] Taimou
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined We won all games in prem [6v6] Taimou
Left Mister [6v6] Taimou
Joined Mister [6v6] Taimou
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Taimou
Left Mister [6v6] Taimou
Joined Mister [6v6] Taimou
Left brocode [6v6] Taimou
Joined brocode [6v6] Taimou
Left Okay, Thanks. [6v6] Taimou
Joined Okay, Thanks. [6v6] Taimou
Joined R.I.P. RCTIC.TF2 [6v6] JackieBoy
Left Paradigm [6v6] Comedian
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Left Pitchfork [6v6] howdeh
Joined Pitchfork [6v6] Taimou
Left RikRek [6v6] Taimou
Joined RikRek [6v6] Taimou

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  1. JackieBoy: LTG. said:

    Sometimes a troll but 85% of the time Very Nice :)

  2. Seduce: CA said:

    Racist & Rager, I wound’t take him even if you pay me, desereve longer time ban tho ;)

  3. FunKy: sisu said:

    most annoying player that i have ever known

  4. miettine said:

    dr funkenstein :::DD

  5. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    You have to be retarded to take his “racism” seriously. Needs to work on his comms a little but besides that is a class div2 medic.

  6. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    leave taimou alone!

    In all seriousness though. Wow you have a personality clash with him, you know the rules. Don’t fucking flame his recruitment thread with shit just because you don’t get along. It’s pathetic.

    Taimous siccccck. Awesome DM skills and good gamesense. Seems a bit arrogant but a great player nevertheless. Pick him!

  7. crzfst said:

    These, you know what, attacking again, good luck searching and big internet handshake for hating, you know what.

  8. suni: [j]\\\' said:

    Seduce is most likely just jealous about Taimou’s massive sniper skills!

  9. Chris: (0v0) said:

    crzfst could you make any less sense

  10. Seduce: CA said:

    Yes suni, espcially when I never played against him becuase he got banned before, and btw crzfst it’s so nice that two racists protecting each other ;)

  11. Masther: Actimel said:

    Good medic, funny person

  12. Taimou said:

    Keep the thread clear from stupidity or we will bandwagon #etf2l admins with eMpathy and _BEAST_ :(.

    In all seriousness, if you have any problems just handle it in private or /q me @ #etf2l

  13. Pena said:

    Haters gonna hate. Awesome medic and a funny guy. Take him nao.

  14. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    There’s no such thing as racism on the internet you fucking fag monkey.

    I LIVE with a chinese guy; he calls me and honkey and I call him a chink. Take it as a pinch of salt. This is the next generation, as if people can’t lighten up a bit. Fucking israelies.

    This just backs up my point that Reveral and Khaoz are the only cool jews.

  15. Anathema said:

    fucking racist cunt against monkeys gibbz.

    Ahem; Taimou is indeed a good medic and a nice guy, needs to learn when to stop trolling to prevent himself from getting banned though.

  16. Taimou said:

    i Must agree weith gibbz ;DS

  17. n0va: T2P said:

    taimou you massive fintard get a clan! GL MATEY

    i don’t think he will take offense from what i just wrote.

  18. Taimou said:

    No serious.ly, thanks for all the nice comments, love you always nova <3

  19. Bash said:

    “Taimou was just banned (this means perm) by Manifesto7.

    That account was created on 2010-04-07 20:28:45 and had 5 posts.

    Reason: Not suited for TL.”

    Not suited for internet.

  20. Taimou said:

    I can guarantee you Bash, that I got hacked in teamliquid.net and I will unbanned as soon as some admin dares to answer to my /q, they can check from which IP:s those messages are sent from, and they arent mine.

  21. crzfst said:

    Shame on you!

  22. Taimou said:

    bumP. and *UPDATE*
    I can also play any other class at low+/mid- level, scout perhaps at mid and higher than that if you give me the chance to show off what I can do, thanks ;9

  23. miettine said:

    even tho’ he sounds like a 12yo kid, he’s pretty nice and if you suck he doesn’t hesitate to say it. great comms and can be serious when needed(he thinks internets is serious business) and etc basic shit you should write. div2 capable and you’ll shit brix when u trial him.

  24. Taimou said:


  25. hykleri said:

    Great medic, it was fun to play with him in few mixes. Shame he got banned, because jew players can’t stand if someone calls them jew. LOL.

    (on record, i have absolutely no problems with jews)

  26. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    He got banned for calling jews jews? :D

  27. Taimou said:

    Koeitje, you can call it that. Though I can admit I refered them to a bit more serious thingies.
    And no i’m not a racist, some religious people just get on my nerves.
    This just backs up my point that Reveral and Khaoz are the only cool jews. +1

  28. Ijantis said:

    A great medic if you can make him play seriously you’ll have a solid div 2 medic on your hands

  29. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    which religious people got on your nerves may I ask?

  30. Taimou said:

    Jewish people. Not that you would retsh0cki:ooo)

  31. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    just for the record, you were the one that started that “fight” with the “religious people”, in a recruitment thread of a guy who got some posts by israelis ( who do you think will post on an israeli guy thread? all he knows are israeli people, can’t expect other people to comment on that guy’ thread ).
    “no I’m not a racist, some religious people just get on my nerves”, wtf did he do _to you_?

  32. Taimou said:

    I’m ignorant and don’t have an explanation for your question sh0ck.
    + The ban itself finally came for flaming Gspot players. Because the team delayed the start for more than 20 minutes, and finally I got so fucking annoyed I threw all the shit on their face, after that they didnt even want to play. I think I flamed jewish religion in general, rather than flaming Seduce himself for being an absolute cockblock. And yeah, I wasn’t sure if any of the Gspot players were jewish, they just gave an impression of it. +
    And I don’t remember who gave me the first impression of all jewish peps being bunch of fucking bucket heads, which most of them aren’t, after all there’s uncool fagpipes in every country, just like me.—> after that I might have become a bit racisticxzxzxzxz, dunno how to say it in english.
    If you have anything else to ask or something to speak about, just /q me @ qnet, you’ll find me on #etf2l and #tf.wars as Taimou-

  33. flushy: P.O.P said:

    how can u be a cockblock over the internet?? :D

  34. Taimou said:

    don’t be in front of my penis.

  35. Seduce: CA said:

    Wow Taimou, will you stop the crying please?

    also, you don’t have to lie, you are 13 years old whiny kid that loves to say some shits that he got no clue about.

    btw Koeitje and got banned for telling jews to burn in hell, go die in the holocaust & etc.

    You just have to thank the admins that banned you for 3 mounths and not more then that. now, how about you try to search clan in 3 mounths when the ban off? srsly I can’t think of some one stupid enough to get a banned player to his team.

    and now let the flame war begin whooo :D

  36. suni: [j]\\\' said:

    I don’t know, in most situations taimou is ok dude and got skills. Can’t say that from most of other players ;)

  37. Dusty: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    I think only the dumbest people on this earth will take this guy seriously :D nuff said

  38. kala said:

    why even bother to get the flame on here, keep on trollin’

  39. Taimou said:

    How does being banned keep me from looking for a clan and play pcw:s with them.
    I get it, you’re angry, and everyone should know what I said already, so posting it here is useless.
    Why would I flame when you haven’t done anything? :) Except for coming here to post and showing how mature you’re yourself. That’s a good way to give people a first impression about you.
    As I stated in my last post, if you want to talk, lets will talk in private, /q me in IRC

    Peace out.

  40. Taimou said:

    TYPOFIXLOL: Let’s talk, -will

  41. hykleri said:

    Hmm… “btw Koeitje and got banned for telling jews to burn in hell, go die in the holocaust & etc.”

    Let me ask you something… Do you REALLY care what other people say or think of jews? I mean fuck, i have jew friends, i have NIGGAH friend too, and they NEVER cry about things like these. If someone tell you to GO DIE YOU JEW, then you like go and cry, or feel offended or something? Maybe, but thats a bad reaction. You could like, don’t give a crap? Seriously, are you that sensitive?

  42. 7alfa said:

    He pwns n00bs -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKrvCVAD2xA

    Also has the best accent ever!

  43. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    hykleri.. stay out of this maybe? :| no one was talking to you?
    it’s between them, let them solve it.

  44. Seduce: CA said:

    Lol hykleri, it’s diffrent when you’r friend tells you that or when some shit nerd you dont even know telling you that for no fucking reason

  45. illii said:

    Why hasn’t this thread been deleted by the admins yet? It breaks several rules they themselves claim to take seriously, yet this thread doesn’t seem to matter?

    Just saying.

  46. FunKy: sisu said:

    Just ban taimou from recruiment/forums

  47. Taimou said:

    ^I’m banned from forums thanks for notifying.
    @ illii, why should it be deleted? the last thread already got deleted by excessive flame and idiotism, what’s breaking the rules here? That’s true that people are fighting with each other and flaming everyone to the pits of hell, but I nicely asked to keep it clean in the start, so why do all of you put the responsibility on my shoulders?.
    And yeah, people who aren’t included can keep their mouth shut(looking at you hykleri.=) No offense but just stop it, i’m looking for a clan, handle the bullshitting in /q. Please with capital P

  48. Taimou said:

    I want to add to my last post:
    Funkenstein, why should I be banned from the recruitment? :p, you haven’t played with me for a year anyways, + you don’t even know a bit of me. How about go flame somewhere else or handle it in private?..
    And if admins will do something, please delete the unneeded posts from this thread, instead of putting down another one.

  49. illii said:

    Not saying it’s your fault or anything Taimou, but this thread is literally filled with arguements about what is or isn’t racism, aswell as a nasty attitude about it. It causes a nasty form of controversy, something which the etf2l admin staff has showed no tolerance against in the past, why would now be any different?

    Posts should be removed or the thread should be remade without the spam that is not relative to your recruitment.

  50. Taimou said:

    haha, faster than you girly girl :p

  51. illii said:

    :( meanie