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Soldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Buffalo Bill

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team that is gonna be Div4 in S8 (or Div3 and help me improve to that level :D). Can play Soldier at Div4 level, I *think* Heavy and Medic as well (but I\\\\\\\'m not sure) if needed.

What I am looking for:

– Active team
– Dedicated players
– Fun bunch to hang out with, not just during matches
– No rage (a little is fine, but keep it to yourself)
– Cool tag and logo is not required, but is always a plus :D

What I can offer:
– Can play Sunday/Monday/Wednesday from 19:00 CET to 22:15 CET, although always on backup for work on those days – rarely have to work though (Should know the day before at the latest if I have to though, plenty of time)
– Dedicated player
– Little rage
– Good comms (Fluent in both Dutch and English)

Because of my availability I have no problems with a backup spot, as long as I get to play. Little explanation on only playing Div6 and looking for Div4:

cc Community team was the only team willing to take me in without any experience, cc2 was originally aiming for Div4 but folded due to massive lineup issues and currently helping GoT2 on their request.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37810758 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The Devil's Retirees [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Team ⑨ [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Team ⑨ [6v6] mistes
Left Team IKEA [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Team ⑨ [Highlander] mistes
Joined Team IKEA [6v6] Lyrete
Left Team Chode [Highlander] Buffalo Bill
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] inferius
Left Russian Edition - Coming back!? [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Russian Edition - Coming back!? [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Team Negus [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Netherlands [National Highlander Team] demsii
Joined Team Chode [Highlander] Buffalo Bill
Joined Team Negus [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Fierce! [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left May Contain Nuts [Highlander] King.House©®℗™
Joined Fierce! [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Pokeman [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Netherlands [National Highlander Team] Buffalo Bill
Joined Pokeman [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Left Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined May Contain Nuts [Highlander] Buffalo Bill
Joined Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Special Air Service [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Special Air Service [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Paradigm [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Paradigm [6v6] ThePledge
Left Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] ThePledge
Left Stew slows the team down [Highlander] Buffalo Bill
Left Crack Clan 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Buffalo Bill
Joined Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] ThePledge
Left Lethal-Zone Green [6v6] LuckyLuke
Left Wild West Heroes [2v2] Buffalo Bill
Joined Stew slows the team down [Highlander] Slowriffs
Joined Wild West Heroes [2v2] Buffalo Bill
Joined Lethal-Zone Green [6v6] LuckyLuke
Left Gathering of Tweakers Team 2 [6v6] flappie
Joined Gathering of Tweakers Team 2 [6v6] flappie
Left Crack Clan 2 [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Crack Clan 2 [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Crack Clan (Community Team) [6v6] cc//JaCK
Joined Crack Clan 2 [6v6 Fun Team] cc//JaCK
Joined Crack Clan (Community Team) [6v6] cc//JaCK
Left Crack Clan (Community Team) [6v6] cc//JaCK
Joined Crack Clan (Community Team) [6v6] cc//JaCK
Left Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1
Joined Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1
Left Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1
Joined Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 23 2186
View Div 2 7 437


  1. Blorg said:

    Good soldier. And a really nice guy. His comms are structured and his voice is clear and understandable. He’s got lots of potential. I think he could improve a bit on aggressive play but he can pocket quite well imho. Not sure he can handle div 3 yet but top div 4 sounds about right. He just needs to find the right team to settle down with and improve, the adjustment will be easy then. :)
    Good luck Bill! :D

  2. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    from what i’ve seen, solid div 4 or higher. GL man :) very nice guy

  3. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    Definetely a soldier you’d want in your team.He knows how to use his brain and he learns from his mistakes pretty quickly.Beside that he’s a friendly and lovable guy.Div4 teams should not hesitate

  4. Smofo said:

    Billie! Really nice guy and it’s sad he can only play so few days can play in div4!

  5. Digiwill: =[IDK]= said:

    ik heb je toegevoegd aan friends m8, praten we daar verder :)

  6. FAWLEN: HB - Doj said:

    played with him a couple of times
    gret soldier div 4 for sure

  7. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Thanks for the kind words guys. :)

    Something that came to mind: I’m looking for a SOLDIER spot and can play Medic/Heavy if needed in that team. I am not looking for a Medic spot.

    Currently having 1 trial going, and 2 people I have yet to talk to.

  8. ED said:

    top div 4 low 3. Gl man.

  9. spendy said:

    sexy voice and a nice guy

  10. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Would like to say sorry to those who added me and I did not get a chance to talk to/play with, but I’ve found my team. My sincerest apologies.