ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

European Ecliptic Gaming

Posted by Gozzer: | Last Online:

We are Ecliptic, a clan playing in division 4 ETF2L and division 4 in Wireplay. We focus on a combination of fun and improving our game.
As an example as to how we are trying to improve lately we have had some lovely help from the sexy Cheers Byte.

What we are looking for:
1 Soldier, Good gamesense, Div 4 level+
Enthusiastic, wanting to improve.
Can take initiative.
Being friendly, willing to have some fun and hang out with the rest of the team.
Able to play around 4/5 days a week.

What we offer you:
A fun atmosphere to play and improve in.
A bunch of new friends!
A stable team.
A server & Mumble.
A girl.

Contact #ecliptic.tf2 or add either Smofo or gozzer25 on steam.

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  1. huhystah said:

    Termi <3 rawr

  2. atL said:

    nice team and good atmosphere :D

  3. Cheez said:

    Gonna paraphrase since you make so many threads!
    Great people, good skill, termi is sexy.

  4. Smofo said:

    So I heard they got this sexybeast called termi in the team!(atleast that makes up for that Smofo guy).

  5. r7an: -9w- said:

    <3 Gozzer

  6. Crink: -9w- said:

    lovely guys, fun to play with, had a pleasure mercing for you <3

  7. ViQun: GoT<3 said:

    I like trains

  8. Atty van Buuren: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    So I heard they got this sexybeast called Smofo in the team!

  9. dekel127 said:

    do you have some frag movies

  10. PANDA said:

    uhhh termilicious

  11. Smofo said:

    Bumptibump :DDDD(safety)

  12. ZeyOrk said:


    gl on search termi-baby ;)

  13. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    <3! was fun mercing for them :)

  14. Blorg said:

    ”- Looking for a solid mid div2+ team to play soldier for” why would Koeitje be interested..?

  15. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Because Termi is fucking awesome :P

    (Ok, smofo is cool too )

  16. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    But not interested anyways, if I’m going to play with a lower div team it’ll be with GoT1 or something. Or empathy (TRAAAAWL)

  17. dekel127 said:

    Can you trial me as solly?

  18. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    I fucking love them :X

  19. termi: Ecliptic said:

    <3 you guys :D

  20. daithi1: BACΩN | - бекон said:

    This is one of the coolest teams I have ever played with I really wish I was free to trial for them. Also both their scouts will carry the shit out of you so join them now.

  21. Smofo said:

    daithi1 we’re actually hoping for a soldier that can keep up with termi hehe

  22. omer said:

    I want a trial added you

  23. crzfst said:

    Ecliptic™ Smofo: write something nice!
    Ecliptic™ Smofo: like: boring to play with them cause they rape
    And that’s all because smofo is on a good mood today. BAM!

  24. crzfst said:

    I’m not sorry Smofo, now you can go to Russia.

  25. Smofo said:

    To people wondering what crzfst is on about: I asked him to write something nice, instead HE IS MEAN! So I said I will go to russia and kick his ass! True story also: BAM!

  26. Smofo said:


  27. FunKy: sisu said:

    They have awesome scouts! GL

  28. Gino said:

    Am looking for a new clan. I have been playing extensively with an American based clan and being a UK player after the 5am late nights and 100ish ping I am tired of it all.

    We played at Mid+ level and got to the Cevo Playoffs at our finest. I’m looking to better my game, can play normally Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Sunday and some Saturdays :).

    Steam is GamingNinja2.

  29. FADe said:

    Termi’s aim is literally as good as someone’s like Predz’, in my opinion anyway. Never seen a scout been able to dish out so much damage. They are the most friendliest bunch of gamers you could wish to meet who love playing TF2. Always a great atmosphere – you will have bags of laughs with them. So weird they are struggling this season because player for player I think they could do some serious damage in div3. I guess they must be running to mid with their monitors off and trying to kill people while running backwards?!
    If ever there was a case of a higher experienced player giving a lower team a chance and investing some time this is it. Really promising team!! GL guys!!!!

  30. Attey: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Edited: Please do not post pictures of players without their permission. (D2M)

  31. Attey: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Ops, sorry!
    Was meant to freak out people :D

    So I heard there aren’t any cool comments about Smofo here so I’ll put this so he can laugh while I laugh.

  32. Gozzer: Tplay.Easy - [TCHS] said:

    Thanks for some of the awesome comments people. We are still trialing/searching!

  33. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Search for Smofo or Alizée on youtube.

    You will not be disappointed.

  34. Stew said:

    Atty seriously… It’s time to stop with the useless coments… I am tired of your coments being attempts to kiss Smofo’s ass. We got it, you like him, but i don’t think it’s necessary to hear it over and over again.

    PS. They are good guys, Always up for a laugh, very friendly, mature and etc. I loved every goddamn second spent in their company. <3 you.