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HeavyMedicScoutSniperSoldier  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Sweden Defur

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello ! Im Defur and i\'m a 16-year-old from Sweden and I\'m looking for a new team to join,


– looking to improve
– mature (enough? :D)
– good english comms :F
– wont rage, mostly calm

not so much more to say about myself, you to tell what you think of me : ),


– have a stable team
– have a mumble server
– be mature
– english/swedish speaking team ( norwegian/danish is fine too, but dont expect me to understand everything :) )

I can play & I\'m looking for:
medic (Div2+)
soldier/heavy (Div3+)

looking to be a backup – but if I like the team this can be discussed.

P.S: if medic, probb need to give me a week so i can get into the real rutine again as it was a while ago i played on that level

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:35065597 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Underwater Love [6v6] Defur
Joined Underwater Love [6v6] 009EFF
Left King & Boss [2v2] Defur
Left Gentlemen of Righteous [Highlander] Defur
Left Keso gaming [6v6] Defur
Joined Keso gaming [6v6] Jazzman
Left Royal [6v6] Defur
Joined Royal [6v6] Defur
Left Forever Fisting In The Dark [6v6] Defur
Joined Forever Fisting In The Dark [6v6] Defur
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Defur
Left The Devils Rejects - Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Joined The Devils Rejects - Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] .
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Defur
Left +46 [6v6] Defur
Joined +46 [6v6] Defur
Left Björnligan [6v6] Defur
Joined Björnligan [6v6] JackyD
Left Keso gaming [6v6] Defur
Joined Keso gaming [6v6] Jazzman
Left Bearly Good [6v6] Defur
Joined Bearly Good [6v6] Harps
Left Björnligan [6v6] Defur
Joined Björnligan [6v6] Zebbosai
Left Björnligan [6v6] LillCeder
Joined Gentlemen of Righteous [Highlander] Piste
Left Lemon Catz [Highlander] Defur
Joined Lemon Catz [Highlander] Noize
Left Last Ones Standing [Highlander] Defur
Joined Last Ones Standing [Highlander] Secret Asian Man
Joined King & Boss [2v2] Defur
Left We Almost Have Hats!! [Highlander] Defur
Joined We Almost Have Hats!! [Highlander] Professor Steel
Joined Björnligan [6v6] Flax
Left procella [6v6] Defur
Joined procella [6v6] Defur
Left Björnligan [6v6] DIEHARDD
Joined Björnligan [6v6] DIEHARDD
Left Jeet Kune Do [6v6] Defur
Joined Jeet Kune Do [6v6] Defur
Left Eat them all [6v6] Defur
Left Mini-Eat Them All [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Joined Mini-Eat Them All [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Left Scandinavia [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Joined Scandinavia [6v6 Fun Team] dusty
Joined Eat them all [6v6] Defur
Left Zorkk and Defur [2v2] Defur
Left ¿Confusion? [6v6] Defur
Joined ¿Confusion? [6v6] Defur
Left Jeet Kune Do [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Left Decapitate the Executioners [6v6] Defur
Joined Jeet Kune Do [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Joined Zorkk and Defur [2v2] Defur
Joined Decapitate the Executioners [6v6] Defur
Left Team[X]treme [6v6] Defur
Joined Team[X]treme [6v6] Defur
Left Jeet Kune Do [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Left Jeet Kune Do [6v6] Defur
Left Jeet Kune Do [Highlander] Defur
Joined Defur 1on1 [1v1] Defur
Joined Jeet Kune Do [Highlander] Defur
Joined Jeet Kune Do [6v6 Fun Team] Defur
Joined Jeet Kune Do [6v6] Defur

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1 10 681
View Div 1/Div 2 12 805
View Div 1/Div 2 8 713
View Div 1/Div 2 2 135
View Mid+ 10 680


  1. The Demon Barber said:

    Heavy Weapons Guy?

    Div 2/3

  2. huhystah said:

    Lovely guy >:D
    Sexeh voice, good soldier/ heavy skill
    Dunno about medic skill, but i think so he’s div 2 skill.
    Get him asap!

  3. LooNiiGooN: HordeofGoats said:

    greeeeeeeeeeeeat guy, defenately div 2 medic :)

  4. bullen said:

    Had him as doctor in div 2, great medic! Don’t know all that much about his other talents as solly, heavy etc. Give him a chance!

  5. Dusty: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Remember him being a great medic/solly a year ago and I bet he has improved a lot since :)

  6. Archangel: amg said:

    is that joke?

  7. 2nuts: . said:

    good guy… has improved a lot since the time I first started chatting with the guy. he’s a div 2 medic and at the very least a div 4 solly/heavy from what I’ve seen.. though it’s been a while since i last played with/against him so i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s at div 3 with his solly/heavy skill.

    superdeffe whuu whäää

  8. JohnnyJackal: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Played with Defur a year back, before we went to ETA.
    Calm and reliable guy, a nice asset to any class.

    Skillwise he could to medic div 2 (with a week or two, getting back in the saddle)
    Soldier/Heavy – high div 4, low div 3.

    Best of luck :)

  9. JohnnyJackal: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    *any clan, not class

  10. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    pro player, really good friend.
    he’s the guy you’re lookin for :)

  11. mavve: YOYO\' - syster said:

    Played in Eat them all with me and baz as sollys. Has really good gamesens and positioning as medic!

  12. Defur said:

    just wanted to update and say that im still searching

  13. Defur said:


  14. torden: broder - syster said:

    19:29 – AE :: defur: nagget
    19:29 – AE :: defur: torden
    19:29 – AE :: defur: can you comment in my recruitment thread pretty please
    19:29 – AE :: defur: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/50169/
    19:29 – AE :: defur: ):

    OK (and for the 100th time – I understand Swedish!). I have no idea this guy’s skill level, but he sure is eager, and I guess that’s a plus.

  15. Defur said:

    gee thanks alot torden :p

  16. torden: broder - syster said:

    np :—)

  17. Macisum: YOYO\' - syster said:


  18. ToRn: KÅT - SpA|com said:

    Really nice guy :) skilled multiclasser and especially good medic (divison lvls true – havent seen too him scout much though.