ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScout  Mid Skill, 6v6

International Special Air Service

Posted by caned: | Last Online:


We\'re looking to be div4 in Season 8, and start playing ladder matches as soon as we have found a full time medic/scout :] (atm Manco plays medic for us but he wants to only be backup)

Have a mumble & gameserver (plus a public server)
Friendly team, with bags of potential
Go to LAN tournaments
Very active

Be available Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday 8-9pm GMT (9-10pm CET)
Have clear comms & speak english
Be reliable. If you say you\'ll be online at a certain time, you should be on unless theres a good reason
Be able to have a laugh & talk about random crap in mumble
Attend LAN (not 100% necessary but would be nice :])
Please only trial if you are mid skill.

If your interested add caneD on steam.

Team Profile

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View Mid 10 1073
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View Mid- 14 528
View Mid- 5 327


  1. evökje: WiK? said:

    awesomesauce join them fast

  2. n0va: T2P said:

    such a nice bunch of guys, theyve had some recent lineup problems but they’re still going strong, more than we can say for most teams in this community.

    GL lads and cu@lan

  3. kuma said:

    awesome team to play for with a good community <3

  4. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Manco = coolest guy ever

  5. r7an: -9w- said:

    really nice community, still got some good friends there. <3 manco & fyre

  6. FunKy: sisu said:

    Manco’s Awesome!

  7. Manco: [SAS] - [SAS] said:

    But no one wants to play with me :(

  8. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    fucking awesome guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. spendy said:

    mid- not mid

  10. Chris: (0v0) said:

    If you’re wanting to go for div4 you should really be advertising as mid-, but I guess the difference isn’t massive.

    Really nice bunch of guys, go join the fuckers!

  11. Mike: TEZC said:

    woah chris don’t say that it will make caned rage and hate you. :)

  12. LoteR said:

    actually it’s div3, season 8 and mid… at least what i think :)))

  13. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Depends who joins dont it ;P

    spendy’s pissed off cuz we trialed him and said no,,, :(

  14. spendy said:

    well, i didnt rage.

    but i can see the teamwork is horrible, but the players sure can be mid, but the teamwork is not better than mid-

  15. Chris: (0v0) said:

    you say teamwork is mid- = you say teamwork is horrible
    your recruitment thread says you are mid- = you say you are horrible at scout

    what is logic i don’t even

  16. fakado said:

    Add me on steam please for trial as scout.

  17. spendy said:

    chris, can you please think before you post?

  18. Mike: TEZC said:

    i know you probably glanced at what chris said and it did not make sense to you, but he’s saying what skill you are by your definitions :]

  19. spendy said:

    i know that.., but it’s not the same

  20. Chris: (0v0) said:

    I thought before I posted, it clearly was you that didn’t. They are the same, you would be a hypocrite to claim one without also claiming the other.

  21. .mac: PP^ said:

    Give us a shout mate

  22. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Update: Recruited a demoman.

    Still looking for that scout, keep the trials coming :]

  23. blur said:

    this players are awesome

  24. spendy said:

    well, caneD is awesome and doesn’t afraid of penis. manco seemed pretty nice too :D

  25. fakado said:

    CaneD Add me please

  26. FAWLEN: HB - Doj said:

    added,im interested in a trial

  27. triobot: inv > said:

    i would be interested in some playing.

  28. Hoanui said:

    Scout here looking for a team, check my etf2l profile (don’t let the team list fool you, I’m a good scout) for my steamID and stuff.

  29. MattCV: TEZC - TEZC said:


    Not going to lie i have minimal etf2l experience, however i believe i have the potential to do something decent within a good team.

    I do have work commitments however at the moment i am free most nights at about 17:30 GMT

    Get in touch in my thread, or add me on steam.
