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Demoman  Mid Skill, 6v6

Netherlands returNNNN

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys,

Since i left spLit because of i didnt see any progression incoming i decide to leave the clan and be on the market again. will be able to play demoman on Div4 i think and maybe 3 i dont know :p

I wish split best of luck they are good guys :)!

About me:

-16 years
-Plays Demoman ^^
– Im from holland :D:D
– likes to have a stable teamplaying team to improve with and have allot of fun with
Playtime: All day long expect from saturday.
And monday and Wednesday after 9:00 CET due football :D

From you\":

Time to have a laugh. :D
Mumble and gameserver ofc ^^
And thats it i think

Oh and ofcourse play some leagues

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:29312431 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] returNNNN
Left aNimus Gaming [6v6] mortiii
Joined aNimus Gaming [6v6] DIEHARDD
Left spLit. [6v6] returNNNN
Joined spLit. [6v6] returNNNN
Left brocode [6v6] kuma
Joined brocode [6v6] kuma
Left Name undecided [6v6] returNNNN
Joined Name undecided [6v6] Fodi
Left ClazziX-Sports TF2 [6v6] returNNNN
Joined ClazziX-Sports TF2 [6v6] Genmix
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Joined Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] blorg
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Left CORE7 [6v6] returNNNN
Joined CORE7 [6v6] returNNNN
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Left Failed Clan Name [6v6] Contra
Joined Failed Clan Name [6v6] Kanroook
Left Look At [6v6] GameFreak--
Joined Look At [6v6] returNNNN
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Left Flowerpower [6v6] Mads.
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Left Dictum Factum [6v6] returNNNN
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Left MADNESS! [6v6] jester
Joined MADNESS! [6v6] jester

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  1. Chris: (0v0) said:

    In my experience, very good demoman, good aim/prediction and gamesense, but will rage at anything and everything. It’s a shame, because he is a really nice guy out of game, but he can make games that aren’t going to plan more stressful than they need to be.

    Good luck to him though, he might not rage with you :)

  2. matOo said:

    really nice guy, chilled, never rages when im with him, can be trusted etc good luck man :D

  3. XO - said:

    very good demoman can easyily handle div4, never heard him rage before calm person with good comms

  4. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:

    from what I saw of him he was really calm,non-rager
    and good thinking of the game and good aim :D

  5. Chris: (0v0) said:

    hm, maybe it was just my experience then.

    as i say, he is a good demo, so see for yourself if he rages or not, don’t take my word for it because it doesn’t mean anything :)

  6. Blorgalicious. said:

    I haven’t seen him rage, but that might just be me. He really knows what he’s doing, chilled etc. Can handle div 4 easily but I’d say div 3 if he found the right team.

  7. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:

    Nice guy, mid div3. gl

  8. JudeRomero: notdoggo said:

    shameless bump

  9. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    Return rage?! Are you nuts, this dude is so calm he wouldnt even rage if he’d get anally raped for the very first time, seriously what are you talking about chris, its prlly you having this effect on people.
    Div3 should fit him, but he prlly wont mind playin Div4, someone just give him a good home

  10. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Like I said, if other people’s experience is different then that is that.

    No need to be a dick about it.

  11. returNNNN said:

    Thks guys


  12. 7alfa said:

    Very nice demo good luck man!Deserves a nice div3 team

  13. Fodi said:

    Havent seen him playing recently but hes a cool guy who always stays clam. :)

  14. returNNNN said:
