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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Israel Nivzeh

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi,played soldier for iG for 3 months now and 2 months of it was div2 level
im really not a person who would overrate himself but i really do think i can get in div2 (i hope) so my goal is div2 anyway,im not going back to play div3 teams as there is no point for me playing them.

as much as i like solly im trying a go in scout atm,believe im a mid- scout and i think i can get
pretty good with the right team.

forgot to mention,can play from 18cet to about 22:30 cet as i almost finished school
im on my last year of study and when i finish i might go to UK located lans (ill be 18)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38343835 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Left ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] Retsh0ck
Left Casi Angeles [6v6] Nivzeh
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] Random
Joined Casi Angeles [6v6] Nivzeh
Left aaa [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined aaa [6v6] Nivzeh
Left Haze eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] Nivzeh
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] Tarkus
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] Nivzeh
Joined random jews [Highlander] Tarkus
Left 9 yehudim she hem lo beemet yehudim [Highlander] Nivzeh
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee
Left Team Awesomeness [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Team Awesomeness [6v6] ReveraL
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] Retsh0ck
Left Division Of Justice [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Division Of Justice [6v6] SatlanNumberOne
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined NivzeH [1v1] Nivzeh
Left there is an I in nivz [1v1] Nivzeh
Joined 9 yehudim she hem lo beemet yehudim [Highlander] Retsh0ck
Joined 2shotmeluchlach [2v2] Nivzeh
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] Sentor
Left Dimegioclub [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined there is an I in nivz [1v1] Nivzeh
Joined Dimegioclub [6v6] ffriik
Left <3 Pendulum [6v6] crzfst
Joined <3 Pendulum [6v6] crzfst
Left procella [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined procella [6v6] op
Left Insertcoin [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Insertcoin [6v6] Awx
Left fubar [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined HmtrHreH`s [6v6 Fun Team] Retsh0ck
Joined fubar [6v6] dg
Left there is an I in nivz [1v1] Nivzeh
Left Enmity [6v6] KhaoZ
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] Sabinrenex
Joined Enmity [6v6] ReveraL
Left Look At [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Look At [6v6] GameFreak--
Joined there is an I in nivz [1v1] Nivzeh
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] Nivzeh
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] d0llar
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] Sabinrenex
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] d0llar
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] Nivzeh
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] d0llar
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] d0llar
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] d0llar
Left Fake|LP| [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Fake|LP| [6v6] Mario
Left Insanity! [6v6] NOT-HIM
Joined Insanity! [6v6] NOT-HIM
Left ELEmentals [6v6] mitownz1k:)
Joined ELEmentals [6v6] mitownz1k:)
Left Eejit [6v6] Nivzeh
Joined Eejit [6v6] SMB

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 13 564
View Div 3 5 7524
View Div 3 8 8136
View Mid 0 181


  1. fadestep: aHn said:

    one of the best guys ever!!!
    awesome solly div 2 for sure/
    he get better after each match as solly
    grab him fast if you aserious clan

  2. huhystah said:

    Awesome guy, sick soldier, sick d00d.

  3. DieTeR said:

    Nice hebrew guy, good sollie, good medic and good scout probably :D

  4. Mike: TEZC said:

    good multiclasser

  5. kyur: stiprs - WUL said:

    Good solly, deserves a low/mid div2 team, but ONLY if he grows a pair of balls first, been kind of a woman lately ;)

  6. SfnX: T2P said:

    seems like a good addition to any div2/div3 team! good lucky young nivzeh!

  7. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:

    rofl’ed kyur everybody knows that massive vagina is the new balls :|

  8. Anathema said:

    My favorite jew. (yes I only know one)

  9. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Nivzeh got balls, trust me.
    GL niv, deserve a low/mid div2 clan :)

  10. daithi1: BACΩN | - бекон said:

    Could easily manage div2 as solly and div 3 as scout. Good luck.

  11. 7alfa said:

    Nice solly good luck!

  12. crzfst said:

    Sure he has balls… to be a pussy.

  13. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    oh I see what you did there, that was smart

  14. KhaoZ: CA - GC said:

    awsome guy and soldier nothing more to say.

  15. ope said:

    Really gentle person and nice guy overall, deserves a shot in div2! gl:)

  16. ZeyOrk said:

    his a team-carrier, get him. Put him and fadestep together=holyshit. Goodluck man

  17. Spary said:

    Great guy, great solly.

    He has been improving very quickly lately, shouldn’t have any problem in mid div2.

    Good luck. :>

  18. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    friendly bumPz

  19. blind: popkõrns said:

    too good for div3? you’re kidding rite? NOT TO BE A DICK, but mate, no.

    not-friendly bumPz *wink-wink* ;)

  20. Ijantis said:

    big boy at 18 :D

    Very good soldier and an extremely friendly guy.

    Knows when to jump on the enemy team and when to fall back at the right times.