ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Mid Skill, 6v6

England karit

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello everybody, we are team and community Black Dragons, that is an MGO.

VERY QUICK UPDATE : We are searching for a skilled demo, div 3/4 pref, plz DO NOT add me unless u have got div 3 or 4 exp, cuz ppl have been adding with no exp at all, so div 4 is a minimum

We have got server, mumble and so on…bla bla bla

EDIT : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997481700 <– My Steam profile

P.S r1k I have to apologize to you for bitching :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37215972 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Effort [6v6] JOHNNYJACKAL
Joined Team Effort [6v6] Rudi
Left Massive Server eSport [6v6] karit
Joined Massive Server eSport [6v6] lifi
Left Burn [6v6] karit
Joined Burn [6v6] karit
Left moving out [6v6] Sclampf
Joined moving out [6v6] karit
Left Voluntas [6v6] karit
Joined Voluntas [6v6] Leonard McCoy
Left Voluntas [6v6] Leonard McCoy
Joined Voluntas [6v6] karit
Left Voluntas [6v6] karit
Joined Voluntas [6v6] karit
Left The Bulgarists [6v6] Kaze
Joined The Bulgarists [6v6] Nikola
Left What? [6v6] Leonard McCoy
Joined What? [6v6] Leonard McCoy
Left What? [6v6] Leonard McCoy
Joined What? [6v6] karit
Left Croatia [National 6v6 Team] karit
Joined Croatia [National 6v6 Team] FlagZero

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 6 386
View High 6 116


  1. r1k: Syn said:

    Feel free to add me or mccoy for trials aswell, since evils a dumb ass <3

  2. Leonard McCoy said:

    No kidding mate. We clearly need help.

  3. Scatman: 27/2 said:

    gl old team :)

  4. r1k: Syn said:

    Found a soly, still searching for a soly and a demo :) low div 4 atleast.

  5. Leonard McCoy said:

    I’d also like to add that etf2l experience is a must. Sounds like a given but some have added me that said they had no experience.

  6. Open said:

    have to bump

    offtopic : plz if u dont have any div 4 exp atleast stop adding, thx in advance