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Demoman  Low Skill, 6v6

Denmark Mort

Posted: | Last Online:

I\'m looking for a competitive team that are in need of a decent Demoman.
I have only played a couple of pcw\'s but no further than that, since I\'ve never really looked into the \"serious world\" of TF2.

I\'ve set my skill as Low since I don\'t think I can qualify as a mid player if I\'ve never played competitive. But airshots are becoming more and more frequent to me :)

I\'m willing to learn everything you want to teach my and I speak english fluently even though it\'s not my native language. If you have any more questions or concerns contact me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/57189

EDIT: I this point I\'m also playing pickups on a daily basis :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:20076892 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Cash Money Haters [6v6] Mort
Left swimp [6v6] Mort
Joined swimp [Highlander] Colt.
Left nope [Highlander] Mort
Joined nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Joined swimp [6v6] Mort
Left Yikes! [6v6] Henchie
Joined Yikes! [6v6] Henchie
Left swimp [6v6] Mort
Left Team Effects Highlander [Highlander] Mort
Joined swimp [6v6] Mort
Left Team Effects [6v6] Mort
Joined Team Effects Highlander [Highlander] NextSound
Left BOOOOOOOOOOOM!.......................... [Highlander] Mort
Joined BOOOOOOOOOOOM!.......................... [Highlander] shank
Joined Team Effects [6v6] shank
Left TwistedPlay. [6v6] Menace
Joined TwistedPlay. [6v6] Menace

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One Comment

  1. mrwhizz said:

    Airshots was never hard to perform In TF2, Overall looks legit may you find a team that suits you!