Dear teams and players, thank you for participating in the ETF2L 6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024). We would appreciate if you could take your time to go through this little feedback form.


Soldier  Low Skill, 6v6

Germany tape

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm searching for a german clan.
That's why the following text is in german. ;D


Ich suche einen deutschen Clan. Ich spiele Soldier und bin vom Skilllevel low.

Ich habe in der Woche ab 19.30 Uhr Zeit, um TF2 zu spielen und fände es gut, wenn ihr auf jeden Fall 2 mal in der Woche Training habt.

Ich bin außerdem ein freundlicher Typ ;D

Es wäre gut , wenn ihr…
…einen mumble und warserver habt.
…eine lustige/aktive truppe seit, mit denen man gut spielen kann.
…eine Homepage habt.
…keine Flamer im Team habt. :)

Wenn ihr Fragen habt, FRAGT!!^^

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:45487662 Add Friend

Team History

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Left vier // yellow submarine [6v6] tape
Joined vier // yellow submarine [6v6] tape
Left trick17 Got milk? edition! [6v6] tape
Joined trick17 Got milk? edition! [6v6] tape
Left EYECANDY [6v6] tape
Joined EYECANDY [6v6] tape
Left EYECANDY [6v6] tape
Left Pielander [Highlander] Apfelkuchen
Joined EYECANDY [6v6] tape
Joined Pielander [Highlander] Apfelkuchen
Joined moin [2v2] tape
Left Bananen in Pyjamas [2v2] tape
Left inb4 Gaming [6v6] Brainmaster
Joined Bananen in Pyjamas [2v2] sno
Left /ier // Highlander [Highlander] tape
Joined inb4 Gaming [6v6] tape
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Joined EYECANDY [6v6] tape
Left causeWEcan [6v6] alf
Joined causeWEcan [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined /ier // Highlander [Highlander] FreezeR
Left Squirtle Squad! [Highlander] tape
Left >.,.< Like A Koala! [2v2] tape
Left Venom-Project [6v6] tape
Joined Venom-Project [6v6] Rising
Left Venom-Project [6v6] Rising
Joined Venom-Project [6v6] Rising
Left Venom-Project [6v6] tape
Joined >.,.< Like A Koala! [2v2] tape
Left regulators ;D [2v2] tape
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Left Wicked-sick ! [Highlander] tape
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Left Blood Brothers [6v6] tape
Joined Wicked-sick ! [Highlander] Rising
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Left RageQuitters [6v6] Wuestenfuchs
Joined RageQuitters [6v6] tape
Left RageQuitters [6v6] Wuestenfuchs
Joined RageQuitters [6v6] tape

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 3 568
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View Div 4/Div 5 13 826
View Low+ 10 654
View Low+ 9 591
View Low+ 7 791


  1. PAAN said:

    Good Soldier, with decent aim deserving a nice team picking him up!

    GL mate

  2. FlasHpavarotti said:

    echt netter kerl und schlecht isser auch ned :)

  3. PAAN said:

    pick him!

  4. Disturbed said:

    Hättest du mal lust auf unseren Server zu kommen und mal ne rund ezu spielen?

    Wenn du mehr wissen willst schreib mich einfach mal in steam an :D