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Soldier  Mid/Low Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria PGAA

Posted: | Last Online:

low/mid solly
dc pgaa

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:843944788 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined -nobroder [6v6] nyxzsche
Left autism doesnt speak [Highlander] Nettspend
Left Fentality [6v6] PGAA
Joined autism doesnt speak [Highlander] Nettspend
Left autism doesnt speak [Highlander] Nettspend
Joined autism doesnt speak [Highlander] Nettspend
Joined Bulgaria [National 6v6 Team] kx2
Left Equestria Girls [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Equestria Girls [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Fentality [6v6] Noob
Left Fatass Legacy [6v6] PGAA
Joined Fatass Legacy [6v6] Akio
Left Hoodlander [Highlander] PGAA
Left The biggest problems in the universe [6v6] PGAA
Joined The biggest problems in the universe [6v6] BakY
Left The biggest problems in the universe [6v6] BakY
Joined The biggest problems in the universe [6v6] BakY
Joined Hump day [2v2] PGAA
Left mad? watch this dunk [2v2] PyroHam
Joined Hoodlander [Highlander] PGAA
Left babka w stole [Highlander] Bona_
Left GAY PIRATES [6v6] Nettspend
Joined GAY PIRATES [6v6] Nettspend
Left Thug Shaker Central [6v6] PGAA
Joined babka w stole [Highlander] Bona_
Left No Lucks Given HL [Highlander] PGAA
Left -CLOUDAIM- [6v6 Fun Team] PGAA
Joined -CLOUDAIM- [6v6 Fun Team] Lebron James
Left Expired Meat [6v6 Fun Team] PGAA
Left #FreeS0ha [Highlander Fun Team] PGAA
Joined Thug Shaker Central [6v6] PGAA
Left No Lucks Given 6s [6v6] PGAA
Joined #FreeS0ha [Highlander Fun Team] Melvix
Joined No Lucks Given 6s [6v6] Cloud
Joined mad? watch this dunk [2v2] PyroHam
Joined Expired Meat [6v6 Fun Team] N3lly
Left fellas [6v6] Taythin
Joined fellas [6v6] Taythin
Left pwn [6v6] Critical
Joined pwn [6v6] Critical
Left pwn [6v6] Critical
Joined pwn [6v6] Critical
Left No Lucks Given 6s [6v6] PGAA
Joined No Lucks Given HL [Highlander] Mads
Joined No Lucks Given 6s [6v6] Mads
Left Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] PGAA
Joined Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] SqnkaBG

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid/Low 7 460
View Mid 9 358
View Mid 14 506
View Mid 37 1754
View Low 8 584
View Mid/Low 16 741
View Mid 0 140
View Mid 7 539
View Mid 28 1115
View Open 0 129
View Low/Open 4 461
View Low/Open 4 302


  1. pablo.minecraft said:

    will make you bottom open!

  2. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    Pablo thats the oposite of a bump


  3. Suomipe: TEMU said:


  4. zudas said:

    my pigga

  5. rokee: ZOM said:


  6. AimTech: SYG said:

    ill give birth befoew pga plays mid.

  7. Solstice: SAFC - CAKE said:

    chill guy but the b̵̨̛͇͎͍͍͇̥͎̹͐͗̿͑̈́̆̂̽̾̌̈͌͘͠ͅr̷͕̦̬͈̪̊͂̄̄̓̅͠a̷̛̹̮̬͔̫͒̀̐̔̀͐ï̷̩̮̫̜͍̲͓̟̭̞̹̂̆͌̍̊̀̐ṅ̵̨͙͓̣̻̹̝͕̼̑̒̏̽͛ẅ̶̙͉͇̞́̔͐̃̈́͑͂̀̈́́͠o̶̧̙̩͍̺̣͇͉̠̠̭̮̎̈̈́͂̈̉̕͘͜r̶̡̦̩͎̺͔̖̱̪͕̮̜̫͌͆̍͒̐̚m̴̩̜̪̉̅̋̒́͂͝s̸̹͕͈̖̖̲̼̪̣̅̕͜

  8. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    i already did amy

  9. Frager said:

    I mean yeah pgaa did play mid one day, how’s the kid gonna be named? @Aimtech

  10. wavy: CAKE said:

    5/10 aimtech ragebait

  11. Burbie: Yakuza - CAKE said:

    beast. get this man in mid

  12. lushkan: FL6 said:

    It is the right of passage for all etf2l players to play atleast 1 official with PGAA

  13. Nettspend: HLGN said:

    me reading what aimtech commented https://imgur.com/a/fDdxEMR

  14. luvr: rx. said:

    we get it adena u have a crush on her

  15. Vixen: YOYO - CAKE said:

    skill contribution violation if u put him mid, make a prem recpost

  16. Frager said:


  17. yak said:

    I had the displeasure of playing with PGAA, who’s looking for mid/low in ETF2L 6v6, but honestly, he’s nowhere near ready. His gameplay is painfully slow, and his calls make no sense half the time. It’s clear he’s not capable of playing at this level and should seriously reconsider before wasting anyone’s time.

  18. rokee: ZOM said:


  19. croud: W.Windows - SONS said:

    I had the displeasure of playing with PGAA, who’s looking for mid/low in ETF2L 6v6, but honestly, he’s nowhere near ready. His gameplay is painfully slow, and his calls make no sense half the time. It’s clear he’s not capable of playing at this level and should seriously reconsider before wasting anyone’s time.

  20. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    I think yak should call before he takes an exchange and not cry when he is i dont beam him

  21. croud: W.Windows - SONS said:

    and not cry when he is i dont beam him

  22. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    how does it feel for all of your hours to be at mge and you still to be bad at it

  23. yak said:

    Oh, please. Maybe if you could keep up with the game, you’d actually understand what’s going on instead of spouting nonsense. No one’s crying about your beams, you’re just too slow to react and too clueless to make decent calls. Keep making excuses all you want, but the reality is you’re not cut out for this level.

  24. N3lly: HLGN said:

    how does it feel for all of your hours to be at mge and you still to be bad at it

  25. croud: W.Windows - SONS said:

    PGAA, for someone who’s painfully slow in-game, you sure are quick to run your mouth. Maybe if you spent less time crying about beams and more time actually learning the basics, you wouldn’t be so embarrassingly bad. You talk like you know what you’re doing, but it’s clear you’re in way over your head. Stick to spectating, because you’re not ready to play at this level.

  26. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    idk crying about someone doing bad in a shit pug and tilting in their recpost is a bit too much

  27. Stu: E6 said:


  28. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    I dont know how does this freak judge while i am so much better than him as a person and as a player it must be sad for you to wake up and look at yoursekf in the mirror
    You show a clip of a game where i have no scouts a demo cant use sticks you imbeceli
    its like whatever yak hates on everyone i did bad in some pug that like no one gives a a flying fuck and he tilted by the fact i was half asleep the whole whole game and he had to to take all negative impact and blame for crying of me playing bad at that game i should have not typed anything against what he said becayse my performance on that particular game was really that bad but i know how to play the classes i put the recpost and i am confident in my experience mechanics and gamesense
    You should really reconsider you and your little circle jerk full of freaks your decision and look at the reason why you all are so sad in life
    wish you good luck and hope you get trough your strugles because i am sad for people like you

  29. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    I hope you for least one day you get your misserable life in order and feel happy for once

  30. ashley: :D said:

    PGAA, for someone who’s painfully slow in-game, you sure are quick to run your mouth. Maybe if you spent less time crying about beams and more time actually learning the basics, you wouldn’t be so embarrassingly bad. You talk like you know what you’re doing, but it’s clear you’re in way over your head. Stick to spectating, because you’re not ready to play at this level.

  31. Solstice: SAFC - CAKE said:

    I like pgaa :)

  32. Lebron James said:


  33. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    Adam you are so lovely

  34. Pawel said:

    PGAA, for someone who’s painfully slow in-game, you sure are quick to run your mouth. Maybe if you spent less time crying about beams and more time actually learning the basics, you wouldn’t be so embarrassingly bad. You talk like you know what you’re doing, but it’s clear you’re in way over your head. Stick to spectating, because you’re not ready to play at this level.

  35. John said:

    maybe 9 points if you’re lucky

  36. Skiii: HLGN - Issue! said:

    9 inches

  37. Nettspend: HLGN said:

    I had the pleasure of playing with PGAA, who’s looking for mid/low in ETF2L 6v6, honestly, he’s ready. His gameplay is fast, and his calls make sense all the time. It’s clear he’s capable of playing at this level.

  38. alov: ZOM said:

    from what I see, this fella has high ego problems, gotta work on that attitude first

  39. tendon: :think: said:

    chill guy but the b̵̨̛͇͎͍͍͇̥͎̹͐͗̿͑̈́̆̂̽̾̌̈͌͘͠ͅr̷͕̦̬͈̪̊͂̄̄̓̅͠a̷̛̹̮̬͔̫͒̀̐̔̀͐ï̷̩̮̫̜͍̲͓̟̭̞̹̂̆͌̍̊̀̐ṅ̵̨͙͓̣̻̹̝͕̼̑̒̏̽͛ẅ̶̙͉͇̞́̔͐̃̈́͑͂̀̈́́͠o̶̧̙̩͍̺̣͇͉̠̠̭̮̎̈̈́͂̈̉̕͘͜r̶̡̦̩͎̺͔̖̱̪͕̮̜̫͌͆̍͒̐̚m̴̩̜̪̉̅̋̒́͂͝s̸̹͕͈̖̖̲̼̪̣̅̕͜

  40. N3lly: HLGN said:


  41. Noob: FL6 said:

    this has gotta be wr for most comments no?

  42. toco: Mq. said:

    not even close

  43. starboy said:

    I had the displeasure of playing with PGAA, who’s looking for mid/low in ETF2L 6v6, but honestly, he’s nowhere near ready. His gameplay is painfully slow, and his calls make no sense half the time. It’s clear he’s not capable of playing at this level and should seriously reconsider before wasting anyone’s time.

  44. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    Who set the wr anyways than and who is this randy commenting

  45. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    Naw i gotta leave this recpost for a while this thing is a big attention grabber its funny as hell

  46. Lighter: HLGN - RIP Ben said:

    pgaa is my goat and he’ll destroy mid

  47. Solstice: SAFC - CAKE said:

    can we get it to 50 replies?

  48. PGAA: -nobroder said:

    Just 2 more

  49. N3lly: HLGN said:

    it doesnt count if u keep yappin yourslef

  50. Melvix said:

    IM 50TH!

  51. Solstice: SAFC - CAKE said:


  52. sunflower: F6 - DBLE said:

    most comments is like 200 or smth

  53. Ben: VP said:

    i thought this was some record already, keen player btw

  54. Lemmy: E6 said:

    Great guy

  55. foop said:

    he will play

  56. wonder said:

    top 20 propugs player, beast

  57. Freedie: Trolleys - HELLAS said:


  58. qp: LSTRS said:

    57 comments tf