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ScoutSniperSoldier  Low Skill, 6v6

CzechRepublic shooty

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi my name is shooty, I'm bored so I'm getting back into comp, my soli dm, jumps and other stuff is alright (never used shotgun outside of bball)

idk familiarize me with how you play and tell me what you imagine me doing and I'll try to acclimate, had pretty bad experience so far

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:192282551 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Cockroaches [6v6] roman
Left Hydro homies [6v6] shooty
Left Summerweed [Highlander] shooty
Left ANC [Highlander Fun Team] shooty
Left Guam Urban Legends [2v2] feasty
Joined Hydro homies [6v6] Tywhip
Left GG KINGS [6v6] shooty
Joined Guam Urban Legends [2v2] feasty
Joined Summerweed [Highlander] Tywhip
Joined GG KINGS [6v6] Raccoon
Left Seal Rage [6v6] shooty
Joined Seal Rage [6v6] suleli
Left Hydro homies [6v6] shooty
Joined ANC [Highlander Fun Team] hondjo
Joined Hydro homies [6v6] Tywhip
Left Buff Merc [6v6] shooty
Joined Buff Merc [6v6] Cotton
Left Hydro homies [6v6] shooty
Joined Hydro homies [6v6] Tywhip
Left Reckless Regime [6v6] shooty
Joined Reckless Regime [6v6] Azari

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Low/Open 1 175
View Low/Open 5 348


  1. mika said:


  2. Suleli: F6 - DCP said:

    Really good pick him NOW

  3. luvr: rx. said:


  4. Suleli: F6 - DCP said:


  5. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:

    goated player

  6. MUN: WEED said:


  7. Mp3: Eden said:

    can you send me your discord?

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