ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Prem/High Skill, 6v6

Portugal Doraemon

Posted: | Last Online:

preferably roamer but can pocket

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:116418386 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 坏蛋必须死 [6v6] Lanzer
Left NeedMoreDM.com [6v6] Doraemon
Joined NeedMoreDM.com [6v6] Muffinz
Left ALLAH'S WARRIORS [6v6] Doraemon
Joined ALLAH'S WARRIORS [6v6] smile
Left TANK [6v6] Doraemon
Joined TANK [6v6] Highlander
Left LOTR: Stolen Lolo [6v6] Doraemon
Joined LOTR: Stolen Lolo [6v6] shappie
Joined Portugal [National 6v6 Team] Spanns
Left GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] meli
Joined GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] Antonio Variacoes
Left members only [Highlander] Doraemon
Joined members only [Highlander] extwo
Left Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] Doraemon
Left BURST [6v6] mry
Joined BURST [6v6] mry
Left 3 Steps Back [6v6] Doraemon
Joined 3 Steps Back [6v6] LFBeans
Left Calavera Canvas [6v6] Doraemon
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] wildpiggie
Joined Calavera Canvas [6v6] Duff
Left Warmup Champios [6v6] Doraemon
Joined Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] tXX
Joined Warmup Champios [6v6] Spanns
Left We JahMen [6v6] RatedSlayer
Joined We JahMen [6v6] RatedSlayer
Left Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] Spanns
Joined Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Left Team Miráge [6v6] Doraemon
Joined Team Miráge [6v6] Doraemon
Left One Last breath [6v6] Doraemon
Joined One Last breath [6v6] Doraemon
Left Seriously Casual [6v6] Doraemon
Joined Seriously Casual [6v6] calisy

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem/High 0 180
View Prem/High 5 523
View High 6 673
View High 4 496
View High 8 683
View High 0 207
View High 8 632
View High 14 938
View High/Mid 1 267
View High/Mid 13 887
View High/Mid 12 944
View Mid/Low 10 493
View Open 0 229
View Open 0 422




  2. ruadhr1: DTR said:

    throwing if u dont pick him up