ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Low Skill, 6v6

Kazakhstan direct city

Posted by master: | Last Online:

need main pocket solly, add master.

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View Low 2 274
View Low 1 200
View Low 0 91
View Low 2 381
View High 0 459
View High 6 722
View High/Mid 0 148
View Low 0 53
View Mid/Low 2 389
View Low 1 590
View Low 1 291
View Low 0 229
View Mid/Low 0 227
View Mid 0 276
View Mid 2 813
View Mid/Low 0 190
View Low 0 248
View Low 0 187
View Low 0 180
View Low 0 164
View Low 0 394
View Low 1 197
View Low 0 181
View Mid/Low 1 336
View Mid/Low 0 202
View Low 1 271
View Low 1 207
View Low 0 294
View Low 3 259
View Low 0 172
View Mid/Low 0 243
View High/Mid 0 186
View Mid 2 398
View Low/Open 0 317
View Low/Open 0 199
View Low 0 142
View Low 0 335
View Low 0 230
View Low/Open 0 296
View Low 0 228
View Low 0 169
View Low 0 221
View Low 0 263
View Low 2 319
View Low 0 211
View Low 0 181
View Low 0 307
View Low 0 221
View Low 0 249
View Low 0 210

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