ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Spy  High Skill, Highlander

CzechRepublic Temp0_

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for Div 2

Add me on discord! – temp0_

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:201802911 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined kays good cooking [6v6] Temrane
Joined Critical Hit [Highlander] Sabesaroo
Left Wicked Lotus [Highlander] Temp0_
Left beans [6v6] Temp0_
Joined business as usual [4v4] Temp0_
Joined beans [6v6] Temp0_
Joined Wicked Lotus [Highlander] Kaylus
Left Stealing Hearts; Pushing Carts [Highlander] Temp0_
Joined skinbag slayers [Highlander Fun Team] skai
Joined Fellow Humans, Human Fellas [2v2] Temp0_
Joined Stealing Hearts; Pushing Carts [Highlander] azzii
Left 12 hours ago [Highlander] Temp0_
Joined 12 hours ago [Highlander] skai
Left Janky Ahhh Hitboxes [6v6] Temp0_
Left Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien
Joined Janky Ahhh Hitboxes [6v6] Maximilien
Joined Jacobins [Highlander] Lillian_01
Left Societe Des Jacobins [Highlander] Temp0_
Joined Societe Des Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 1 91
View Mid 1 302
View Open 0 171
View Low/Open 2 216
View Low/Open 3 221


  1. Akio: (League Admin) - bF said:

    Really good, Really keen & Really kind with a good attitude, give him a good home!!

  2. aychi: cooking - CH said:

    good player, will listen to advice and a nice guy, what more could you want :)

  3. obi: gun - DBLE said:

    good spy, will listen and is cool dude

  4. snacks: F6 - TEMU said:


  5. skai: Atria said:

    -literally the perfect teammate
    -amazing friend
    -will carry you in any fps game

  6. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:


  7. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:

    jk he good but sometimes he is in his own world

  8. obi: gun - DBLE said:

    good spy, will get big picks

  9. kilikia: wL. - wL. said:

    cutest spy ever + always improving + awesome stabs + can drive

  10. Leif: wL. said:

    Never really got over the kicking incident in casual but he is a great spy with lots of potential!

  11. ImABush: wL. said:

    idk what to say, great spy

  12. Temp0_: cooking - CH said:


  13. Temp0_: cooking - CH said:

    Still up