ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

CzechRepublic Zake

Posted: | Last Online:

Yooo, looking for a chill team.
Div: preferably the ones above, but I can play any div
Time: preferably 19, 20, but 21 is also doable

Discord: zake22 (Mumble can suck my a-)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:392196116 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined crypto throwers [Highlander] kori
Left For Fent [Highlander] Rei
Joined For Fent [Highlander] Rei
Left taiga is stupid [Highlander] Zake
Joined taiga is stupid [Highlander] ethereal
Left OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [Highlander] Zake
Joined Hooligans [6v6] Arelelele
Left Furry Femboys :3 @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [6v6] Zake
Joined Furry Femboys :3 @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [6v6] Krad
Joined OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [Highlander] Krad
Left Double Clutch [Highlander] Zake
Left Six Divs Under [6v6] mtilicious
Joined Six Divs Under [6v6] mtilicious
Left throne usurpers [6v6] Zake
Joined Double Clutch [Highlander] Yupsilon
Left Habib's Special Forces [Highlander] kristof
Joined throne usurpers [6v6] kristof
Left ToxicFatKids: Adorable Autists [6v6] CacTus
Joined ToxicFatKids: Adorable Autists [6v6] CacTus
Left throne usurpers [6v6] Zake
Joined throne usurpers [6v6] kristof
Joined Habib's Special Forces [Highlander] kristof
Left OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [Highlander] Zake
Left czernosi [6v6] Zake
Joined czernosi [6v6] Krad
Joined OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz [Highlander] Krad
Left opice z tradu [Highlander] Zake
Joined opice z tradu [Highlander] blecha

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 9 313
View Mid/Low 9 412
View Low/Open 8 231


  1. KamikaZe: MGE - GMsU said:

    beasting engi

  2. Adam said:

    the best

  3. Ajos.: ColonThree - [OVA] said:

    заке это сигма!!!!!

  4. Rei: F6 - CH said:


  5. Yuval: Bully - DBLE said:

    goated engie!! the 21 thing is problematic but if possible to work around it its a beast pick

  6. KamikaZe: MGE - GMsU said:


  7. KamikaZe: MGE - GMsU said:

    pick this goat already cant have better engi

  8. Tit_Tuesday: czur - SDCK! said:


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