ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Crumptt

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main only
learning but know how to play kinda ok
on the point, where the bombs at?

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1420862789 Add Friend

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Action Team By Date
Joined Brazilian Blacksmith League [Highlander] Crumptt
Left Knights of the Order [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined Knights of the Order [Highlander] Belfast
Left EFF [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined EFF [Highlander] Wen
Left Looking For Team [6v6] roooc
Joined Looking For Team [6v6] roooc
Left I Forgor [6v6] Crumptt
Joined I Forgor [6v6] Crumptt
Left Zeta Genesis [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined Zeta Genesis [Highlander] Crumptt
Left Restraining Order [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined Restraining Order [Highlander] Templar2098
Left toxic [Highlander] warblink
Joined toxic [Highlander] warblink
Left Instability Incursion [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined Instability Incursion [Highlander] Crumptt
Left The Openhattan Project [Highlander] Crumptt
Joined The Openhattan Project [Highlander] Crumptt

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