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Soldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Bunny

Posted: | Last Online:

1 recent season of roamer.
more dedicated than most players this skill level.

not sure on the future of SYG rn so looking at trialling for good open teams who have a chance at winning the season or low teams (this is preffered)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:128309316 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined smokin on noobs [6v6] fy
Left default loss [6v6] Bunny
Joined default loss [6v6] lgl
Left Stole Your Gender [6v6] Bunny
Left Stole Your Gender - Cup Team [6v6 Fun Team] Bunny
Left Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] Bunny
Left Stole Your Gender - LAN [LAN Team] Bunny
Joined Stole Your Gender [6v6] Nixon
Joined Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] Akio
Joined Stole Your Gender - Cup Team [6v6 Fun Team] Akio
Joined Stole Your Gender - LAN [LAN Team] Akio
Left Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left Stole Your Gender [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Left Stole Your Gender - LAN [LAN Team] ETF2L Staff
Left Stole Your Gender - Cup Team [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Joined Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] Akio
Joined Stole Your Gender - LAN [LAN Team] Bunny
Left 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD [Highlander] Bunny
Joined 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD [Highlander] dx
Left Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Stole Your Gender - Cup Team [6v6 Fun Team] Bunny
Joined Scrimming Highlander Is For Losers [Highlander] Bunny
Left The femboy and the woman [2v2] Bunny
Joined The femboy and the woman [2v2] Bunny
Left Atria [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Atria [Highlander] Justice
Left Valve Comp's Finest [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Valve Comp's Finest [Highlander] Ashen
Left Name of the team. [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Stole Your Gender [6v6] Bunny
Left Nyan Cat Of Bread [6v6] Bunny
Joined Name of the team. [Highlander] lybon
Joined Nyan Cat Of Bread [6v6] Bunny
Left fuck, our med is Gon [6v6] StellarHoxy
Left ☆ Project Horizon ☆ [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined ☆ Project Horizon ☆ [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Left Team SniperScout [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Team SniperScout [Highlander] Sodium
Left Team SniperScout [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined fuck, our med is Gon [6v6] StellarHoxy
Left The Nutty Medics [6v6] Bunny
Joined Team SniperScout [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined The Nutty Medics [6v6] Not Star_
Left Default Hunters [Highlander] Bunny
Joined Default Hunters [Highlander] lybon
Left redrumers [Highlander] Bunny
Joined redrumers [Highlander] lybon

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Low/Open 6 363
View Low 0 47
View Open 2 137
View Low 16 897
View Low 1 185
View Low/Open 15 1109
View Low/Open 23 1366
View Low 0 415
View Open 3 323
View Open 0 240
View Open 1 354
View Div 6 0 362


  1. Lebron James said:


  2. Flare said:

    he threatened me

  3. sunflower said:

    quite toxic, very argumentative and quick to jump to conclusions sometimes from what i’ve seen from AimTech in the last few weeks/months since they’ve came back to ETF2L. no doubt they’re most likely as keen as they say they are but also a bit egotistical and arrogant.

    definitely good pick if you want a very keen roamed on your team, definitely needs some practice tho

    will be a really good pick to have on your team in a few seasons time when 6s roamer becomes like second nature to them

    gl in finding a team and in the szn if you do find a team play on, or if SYG continues to play

  4. Taythin said:

    Don’t know about his claim to be more dedicated than players on his skill level, he might be(?) but one thing i know for sure is he is very baity and rages a lot, told me to meet him in lan to fight him and when i said i would kick his … he said i threatened him and played the victim card to get me muted, when i made a joke saying “do not eva scrim w/Aimtech worst mistake of my life!!! (never played with him)” he told me to kms and fight him at poLANd again, lol. Quite a weak person but pick him If you can handle his loud voice and anger issues. Also keeps talking about LGBTQ liberation in tf2 competive(tf???) which I never understood.

  5. Nettspend said:

    pretty kind player overall but it seems like a bit aggressive sometimes, should just ignore the haters ong

  6. SAKE: L_? said:


  7. Solstice: E6 - 2BU said:


  8. Fried Chicken of Death said:

    more dedicated than most players this skill level. Yea u r worse than open

    good open teams who have a chance at winning the season or low teams
    MF looking for carry

  9. Fried Chicken of Death said:

    2 genders btw

  10. steko: SHISZA - HV said:

    tf2 dr disrespect

  11. steko: SHISZA - HV said:

    logs look like the stock market cant see one where u go positive