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Demoman  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zetok

Posted: | Last Online:

Very keen. Will make mickey mouse noises when nuking / airshotting

Not entirely against an off-class season either. I will also be at Dortmund in November :D

My CV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVBEZS2T7K0

Add discord zetok

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:150498831 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined We Windows [6v6] Vermilion
Left Swayzbury's [6v6] Zetok
Joined Swayzbury's [6v6] swayze
Left ain't no way [6v6] Zetok
Left Benpl's Big Bouncing Booty Batrol [6v6 Fun Team] Zetok
Joined placeholder [LAN Team] vlad9
Joined ain't no way [6v6] gugle
Left The Loblins [6v6] Zetok
Joined Benpl's Big Bouncing Booty Batrol [6v6 Fun Team] Hugo
Joined The Loblins [6v6] Zetok
Left Monkey Mafia [6v6] Zetok
Joined Monkey Mafia [6v6] Harps
Left The Pomodoro Method [6v6] Zetok
Joined The Pomodoro Method [6v6] Antimation
Left Monkey Mafia [6v6] Zetok
Joined Monkey Mafia [6v6] Harps
Left The Pomodoro Method [6v6] Zetok
Joined The Pomodoro Method [6v6] Antimation
Left Monkey Mafia [6v6] Zetok
Joined Monkey Mafia [6v6] Harps

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 8 382
View Low/Open 4 208
View Open 3 236
View Open 1 193


  1. Antimation: ANW said:

    Its him, Zetok is him.
    Demoman, gremlin, differ. not got him on your team? Just get better. open players look up to him, low players hate him, mid players wish they were him, d2 players have nightmares about him. This game is like a hobby to him, unlike you nerds he has a life. If there’s a demo on the other team, he takes that personally. 400dpm and above or your money back.

  2. flaresh: anw said:


  3. Sitheach: hp said:

    absolutely massive demoman 💪

  4. Benpl: BURY said:

    Power gamer.

    Will farm noobs.

  5. Vitun Jonne: W.Windows - Tissi said:

    Very good for mid

  6. ike: SYG said:

    Absolutely large

  7. Royal: (League Admin) - BURY said:

    Top lad, will nuke the enemy team then go out for a pint or 5 with ya.

  8. Harps: MM said:

    Big man big damage big brain and top lad.. Don’t think he can throw hands irl though ;) Pick him up!

  9. Not Steven: ? - 256 said:

    He is that guy

  10. Vermilion: W.Windows said:

    Massive airshot machine