ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Lithuania Just1s

Posted: | Last Online:

Have time to main

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66331709 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Hellenic Supremacy [Highlander] Xi
Left Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left Temu Sweatshop [Highlander] Sevenless
Joined Temu Sweatshop [Highlander] Sevenless
Left BLEHHHHH [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Monkey Village [6v6] Smellyiot
Left AEUGH [6v6] Just1s
Joined BLEHHHHH [Highlander] anni
Left ChudsX2 [Highlander] Just1s
Joined ChudsX2 [Highlander] Lebron James
Left 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] Just1s
Joined AEUGH [6v6] Dragonce
Left R.A.T. : Rodent Action Troop [6v6] Just1s
Joined 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] wavy
Left Brutal Orchestra [Highlander] Raccoon
Joined Brutal Orchestra [Highlander] Smellyiot
Left Avangard [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left Goofy Goobers Inc. [Highlander] Just1s
Joined R.A.T. : Rodent Action Troop [6v6] C.J.
Joined Goofy Goobers Inc. [Highlander] Smellyiot
Left ajfkvshaj [Highlander] auto
Joined ajfkvshaj [Highlander] auto
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Left 9IX [Highlander] sinr
Joined 9IX [Highlander] sinr
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left The Specals [Highlander] Just1s
Left webo REBORN [6v6] Just1s
Joined webo REBORN [6v6] AustinN
Joined The Specals [Highlander] AustinN
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Just1s
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Nerd City [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Joined Nerd City [6v6] Cookie_
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left OINK 5 [6v6] proky
Joined OINK 5 [6v6] AustinN
Left Nerd City [6v6] Just1s
Joined Nerd City [6v6] Cookie_
Left Nerd City [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Left Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] ETF2L Staff
Left Am oan the Protein [2v2] ETF2L Staff
Left Lithuania [National Highlander Team] ETF2L Staff
Left Nosecuddlers [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Left The Bureau [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Joined Nerd City [6v6] sinr
Left KNOPPERS [6v6] Just1s
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] miknando
Left opeen_squad #borninthewrongdiv [Highlander] Just1s
Joined KNOPPERS [6v6] AustinN
Left :Blinky: [6v6] Just1s
Joined opeen_squad #borninthewrongdiv [Highlander] mezzo
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Just1s
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] Leila
Left Smog Boys [6v6] Just1s
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Smog Boys [6v6] Cryo
Left Yung wolves [6v6] Just1s
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] anni
Left CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] morale
Joined Yung wolves [6v6] Dave_IR8
Joined Nosecuddlers [6v6 Fun Team] Yxxo
Left Keep calm and Kola on [6v6] Just1s
Joined CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] princess dvs
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] miknando
Joined Keep calm and Kola on [6v6] Freakie
Left Lucrosa [Highlander] Just1s
Left Ratatouille [6v6] Just1s
Joined Ratatouille [6v6] 30.06
Left ku$h daddies [6v6] Just1s
Joined Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left inVision [Highlander] Just1s
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Just1s
Joined CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined Am oan the Protein [2v2] Just1s
Left A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] Just1s
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Clark
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Just1s
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left PremTech [Highlander] Just1s
Joined ku$h daddies [6v6] Kosuke
Left Fluffy Cats Appreciation Society [6v6] Teriyaki
Joined Fluffy Cats Appreciation Society [6v6] miknando
Left CRAZYGRILLS 6SClan [6v6] Just1s
Joined CRAZYGRILLS 6SClan [6v6] Yxxo
Joined PremTech [Highlander] BAITO
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Just1s
Left Five Pennies [6v6] Just1s
Joined A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] Forty-Two
Joined Five Pennies [6v6] Morrow
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Just1s
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] miknando
Joined Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] NeuTronas
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Solid
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Solid
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left Death from Above [6v6] Just1s
Joined Death from Above [6v6] Samski
Left chess.tf [6v6] Just1s
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Just1s
Joined chess.tf [6v6] taube
Left Last Stand [6v6] Just1s
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Marv
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Left #BlameSamski [Highlander] Just1s
Joined #BlameSamski [Highlander] Samski
Left Kiwi [Highlander] Just1s
Left Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Just1s
Joined Kiwi [Highlander] Duckmamoll
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Just1s
Left kek [6v6 Fun Team] Just1s
Joined Last Stand [6v6] Just1s
Left Gamsjaga eSports [6v6] Just1s
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Mad? [Highlander] Just1s
Joined kek [6v6 Fun Team] X-Wing
Left Garaz [LAN Team] Just1s
Left Zimbabwe [National 6v6 Team] Just1s
Joined Zimbabwe [National 6v6 Team] Gigi
Joined Mad? [Highlander] JoeTea
Joined Garaz [LAN Team] z3kron
Left Garaz [LAN Team] Just1s
Left Manatee lovers [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Garaz [LAN Team] z3kron
Joined Manatee lovers [Highlander] juju
Joined Gamsjaga eSports [6v6] Freakie
Left Cool Cats: Red Rats [6v6] Just1s
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Joined Cool Cats: Red Rats [6v6] Strigon
Left TEZC | RED [6v6] Just1s
Left Ghostbusters [Highlander] Just1s
Joined Ghostbusters [Highlander] andRe
Left Mad? [Highlander] Just1s
Joined TEZC | RED [6v6] unexpected.
Left We only live online [6v6] Just1s
Joined We only live online [6v6] lazyluk
Left [T-A!] Div Shesh [6v6] Just1s
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Joined [T-A!] Div Shesh [6v6] CapricorN
Left [OOC] Team [6v6] Just1s
Left Killer Sandviches [Highlander] Just1s
Joined [OOC] Team [6v6] CrazyBwai
Left T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] Just1s
Joined T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] TSM
Left T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] Just1s
Joined T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] Just1s
Left Team Goliath [6v6] Just1s
Joined Team Goliath [6v6] Just1s
Joined Killer Sandviches [Highlander] Just1s
Left Feel the Ground [6v6] Zigmas
Joined Feel the Ground [6v6] Just1s
Left jarate drinkers [6v6] Just1s
Left MadHats [Highlander] Just1s
Joined jarate drinkers [6v6] Just1s
Joined MadHats [Highlander] Just1s
Left MadHats [Highlander] Just1s
Joined MadHats [Highlander] Just1s

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 1 239
View High/Mid 6 444
View High/Mid 7 507
View High/Mid 5 419
View High/Mid 5 514
View High/Mid 3 578
View High/Mid 1 247
View High 0 293
View Mid/Low 0 266
View Prem/High 7 730
View Prem/High 3 645
View Prem/High 10 846
View Mid 1 475
View High/Mid 4 431
View Prem/High 6 727
View High/Mid 8 786
View High/Mid 12 883
View Prem/High 8 806
View Prem/High 7 754
View Prem/High 9 725
View Mid 9 794
View Prem/High 9 1051
View Prem 3 837
View Prem/High 7 945
View Prem 14 1140
View Mid 9 1044
View Prem 6 651
View High/Mid 6 592
View High/Mid 1 739
View High/Mid 17 989
View Mid/High 4 622
View High/Prem 5 779
View Open/Mid 3 546
View Mid 3 700
View High/Prem 11 1022
View Prem 0 504
View Prem 19 1259
View High/Prem 6 767
View High/Prem 7 658
View High/Prem 9 783
View High/Prem 10 1127
View High/Prem 12 742
View High/Prem 17 1061
View High/Prem 21 1653
View Div 1/Div 2 14 1210
View Div 1/Div 2 13 1060
View Div 2/Div 3 11 931
View Div 2/Div 3 13 935
View Div 3/Div 4 12 665
View Div 4/Div 5 11 718
View Div 3/Div 4 12 890
View Div 4/Div 5 10 1169
View Div 5/Div 6 3 634
View Div 6 2 566
View Div 6 0 421
View Div 6 0 551
View Div 6 0 494
View Div 6 0 749


  1. Lebron James: F6 - LIETUVA said:


  2. Cookie_: NERD - TEMU said:

    get this chad on your team

  3. Smellyiot: ₥℣ - WEED said:


  4. goMY: dgenr8 - CH said:
