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Demoman  Low Skill, 6v6

Slovenia Korra

Posted: | Last Online:

demoman grindset can maincall
keen person will improve overtime , kinda rusty on demo but i should give him a try once again
add me on discord korra6666

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:170965550 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Ultiduo me at LAN [2v2] Korra
Joined SchizoLander [Highlander Fun Team] Korra
Joined 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] wavy
Left Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Korra
Left The Lunatic Asylum [6v6 Fun Team] Napy
Joined MGE me at Lan [6v6] BLAIR
Left Madness [6v6] Korra
Joined The Lunatic Asylum [6v6 Fun Team] Napy
Left Nevermind [6v6 Fun Team] Napy
Joined Nevermind [6v6 Fun Team] Napy
Joined paralympics esports [4v4] Wilderhammer
Joined Madness [6v6] Korra
Left Dead [6v6] Korra
Joined Dead [6v6] Napy
Left 3 Steps Back [6v6] Korra
Left order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Slippy
Joined order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Slippy
Joined Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Temmethy
Left middies of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Korra
Joined 3 Steps Back [6v6] LFBeans
Left MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Joined middies of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left Bulking Season [Highlander] Korra
Joined MGE me at Lan [6v6] Temmethy
Left the 1% [6v6] Korra
Joined the 1% [6v6] Smellyiot
Left crack house [6v6] Korra
Joined crack house [6v6] ethereal
Left UnknownHospitality [6v6] Korra
Joined Bulking Season [Highlander] Slippy
Left Basement Management [Highlander] Korra
Joined Basement Management [Highlander] Noe
Left order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Korra
Left CSU Bundestag Highlander [Highlander Fun Team] Korra
Left spartans v2 [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Left Double Clutch [Highlander] Korra
Joined UnknownHospitality [6v6] Korra
Left Unknown Quantities [6v6] Korra
Joined Double Clutch [Highlander] Oldschool
Left Brutal Orchestra [Highlander] Korra
Joined CSU Bundestag Highlander [Highlander Fun Team] Slippy
Joined Brutal Orchestra [Highlander] Raccoon
Left 0 Friends Online [Highlander] Korra
Joined Unknown Quantities [6v6] feasty
Left MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Joined 0 Friends Online [Highlander] TheMasterOfDisaster
Left Milk And Cookies [Highlander] Korra
Joined Milk And Cookies [Highlander] Mase
Left MONKEY MODE 23 [Highlander] Korra
Joined MONKEY MODE 23 [Highlander] HeavyGod
Left Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Korra
Joined MGE me at Lan [6v6] Temmethy
Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] Korra
Joined Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Sve
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Korra
Joined order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Korra
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Ooga Tooga
Left DemonKnights [Highlander] Korra
Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
Joined spartans v2 [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Left Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] Korra
Joined Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] lazcore
Left 3 Steps Back [6v6] Korra
Joined 3 Steps Back [6v6] LFBeans
Left The Le Crock [6v6] Korra
Joined The Le Crock [6v6] Balen
Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] Korra
Joined Avatar Korra [1v1] Korra
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Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
Left EU and NA sheesh [2v2] Korra
Left BIRDGANG [Highlander] Korra
Left Funny 9 Classes of cringe [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Left BIRDGANG [6v6] Korra
Joined BIRDGANG [Highlander] Metroid
Left BIRDGANG act 2 [Highlander] Korra
Joined BIRDGANG [6v6] Metroid
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Joined TANK [6v6] renton
Left MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Joined Slovenia [National Highlander Team] Lemmy
Joined BIRDGANG act 2 [Highlander] Korra
Left Domino's [Highlander] Korra
Joined EU and NA sheesh [2v2] Korra
Joined Funny 9 Classes of cringe [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Joined Domino's [Highlander] Refleks
Left Sinister [2v2] Korra
Left s.i.m.p [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Left No lean No life [Highlander] Korra
Joined No lean No life [Highlander] Morbus
Left Ancient Gods [Highlander] Korra
Joined s.i.m.p [6v6 Fun Team] Morbus
Left European Spy Mains [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Joined Sinister [2v2] Morbus
Joined Ancient Gods [Highlander] Korra
Left Dragon Above us [Highlander] Korra
Joined Dragon Above us [Highlander] Korra
Left Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Korra
Joined MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Left The Le Crock [6v6] Korra
Joined European Spy Mains [6v6 Fun Team] Korra
Joined The Le Crock [6v6] Korra
Left Covenant [6v6] Korra
Joined Covenant [6v6] Korra
Left Water Tribe [6v6] Korra
Joined Water Tribe [6v6] chachiply
Left Water Tribe [6v6] chachiply
Joined Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Korra
Left Fire Nation [Highlander] Korra
Joined Water Tribe [6v6] Korra
Joined Fire Nation [Highlander] chachiply
Left ThunderBirbs sponsored by PostalDude™ [Highlander] Korra
Joined ThunderBirbs sponsored by PostalDude™ [Highlander] Smellyiot

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 5 259
View High 17 636
View High 12 621
View High/Mid 25 1257
View High/Mid 1 281
View Prem/High 2 369
View Mid/Low 3 401
View Mid/Low 5 313
View Mid 3 311
View High 4 473
View High/Mid 10 433
View High/Mid 0 221
View High 12 344
View Low 6 429
View High/Mid 2 390
View Prem/High 6 462
View Low/Open 3 205
View Prem/High 15 895
View Prem/High 15 713
View High 5 442
View High/Mid 2 319
View High 8 621
View High/Mid 0 368
View Prem/High 10 599
View High/Mid 6 760
View High 2 347
View High/Mid 0 331
View High 12 475
View Low 1 227
View Open 0 190
View Low/Open 2 298
View Low 1 526
View Low 23 1145
View Open 0 514
View Open 0 299
View Low 0 353
View Open 0 241
View Low/Open 3 394


  1. shirtokiya: wL. said:

    Personal opinion from s47: very unkeen, sees criticism as hate and is consistently trying to bitch around.
    We tried to make him improve via reviews mentors, it did not help.

  2. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:

    he is stil not over it LOL if i wasnt keen i would make the team in the 1st place but ok bro keep telling that to ur self xd

  3. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:

    wiouldn’t make the team*

  4. shirtokiya: wL. said:

    It’s my opinion and the rest of my teammates including friends would agree with me. you were keen till you realised you overestimated yourself and gaslight yourself to think that youre shadowburn.

  5. triple: Choke said:

    both of u grow brains and argue in dms and not in etf2l rec post comments

  6. shirtokiya: wL. said:

    triple learn to read, i literally just posted my opinion about this player thats why theres a comment section to every rec post

  7. LFBeans: :pray: said:

    Beast, high dpm gamer.

    High DPM in 6s

    High DPM in MVM 🤖

  8. Skiii: Issue! said:

    W streamer