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ScoutSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Sweden Teo

Posted: | Last Online:

flank>pocket but im willing to grow some nuts, take the beam

soldier is untested, beware, only for the faint of heart

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70587684 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left center allstars [6v6] Teo
Joined center allstars [6v6] Teo
Left Blue Shift [6v6] Teo
Joined Blue Shift [6v6] Samus
Left HAVOC [6v6] Teo
Joined HAVOC [6v6] mak FP
Left trust the process [6v6] Teo
Joined trust the process [6v6] Jordy
Left Ms. Chalice's Chambers of Carnal Embrace [6v6] Teo
Joined Ms. Chalice's Chambers of Carnal Embrace [6v6] rabid
Left trust the process [6v6] Teo
Joined trust the process [6v6] Jordy
Left operation: terror [6v6] Teo
Joined operation: terror [6v6] hamaham
Left div2 clan [6v6] Teo
Joined div2 clan [6v6] Jordy
Left chumtoad.net #FreePalestine [6v6] Teo
Left Very sober lan players [LAN Team] Teo
Left wonszus dog [Highlander] Teo
Joined Classic Dmixup [6v6 Fun Team] mak FP
Joined chumtoad.net #FreePalestine [6v6] Heny
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] nicco
Left bad at names [6v6] Teo
Joined bad at names [6v6] Teo
Left Bad News Bears [6v6] Teo
Joined wonszus dog [Highlander] yak
Joined Very sober lan players [LAN Team] Dandere
Left Classic Dmixup [LAN Team] Teo
Joined Bad News Bears [6v6] Racso
Left Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Teo
Joined Russian Brain Advantage [6v6] Silver
Left gamer collective [6v6] Teo
Joined gamer collective [6v6] Teo
Left teo tar over [6v6] Teo
Joined teo tar over [6v6] christopher
Left selected [6v6] Teo
Joined Classic Dmixup [LAN Team] mak FP
Joined selected [6v6] lekku
Left Midcels [6v6] Teo
Joined Midcels [6v6] mak FP
Left #BIGBOYSEASON [6v6] mak FP
Joined #BIGBOYSEASON [6v6] mak FP
Left anal therapists [6v6] Teo
Joined anal therapists [6v6] MERPY
Left The Last Picks™ [6v6] Teo
Joined The Last Picks™ [6v6] Teo
Left chaos isports [6v6 Fun Team] Teo
Left ALPHA [6v6] Teo
Joined chaos isports [6v6 Fun Team] yaynos
Left _Target Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] Teo
Joined 2 Dope Boyz (In a Cadillac) [2v2] mak FP
Joined ALPHA [6v6] Jordy
Left Dolmio Family Sized Lasagne fans [6v6] Teo
Joined _Target Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] mak FP
Joined Dolmio Family Sized Lasagne fans [6v6] Charlie
Left stay gassed up, petrol [6v6] Teo
Left _Target Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] NURWHAL
Joined stay gassed up, petrol [6v6] yaynos
Left The Logical Extremists [6v6] Teo
Joined The Logical Extremists [6v6] NURWHAL
Joined _Target Gaming [6v6 Fun Team] NURWHAL
Left Maksimum Idjot [6v6] Teo
Left Xenon [Highlander] Icewind
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Executer
Left Invicta [Highlander] Teo
Joined Maksimum Idjot [6v6] Teo
Joined Invicta [Highlander] Drzy
Left DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Teo
Joined DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Hurrdeer

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 7 315
View Mid 1 218
View Mid 1 146
View Mid 6 326
View Mid 7 364
View Mid 12 417
View High/Mid 11 539
View High/Mid 5 431
View High/Mid 11 549
View Mid 5 346
View Open 0 411


  1. mak FP: SKΣDDA - hp said:

    Esteemed backroom staff member, this is a player that knows what it takes to perform.

  2. triple: Choke said:

    Amazing player, even better brother and father figure. Pick him up if your team needs wisdom

  3. EoN said:

    special player

  4. SAKE: .:[aAa]:. said:


  5. saltyy said:

    very nice guy, will definitely boost your team. pick him up for sure

  6. Foz: (ETF2L Donator) - 124 - -Xe- said:

    Bonker for sure

  7. Doonde said:

    la till dig på steam

  8. hamaham: $WIZARD - doge said:

    go on