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Medic  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

European Chloe

Posted: | Last Online:


I am a medic main and have put quite a few hours into casual but wish to try out the comp experience. I am not sure what my skill level is compared to others since I have never tried competitive but I am confident in my gamesense and keeping myself alive out there.

I hope someone can give me a chance.

Feel free to contact me through discord: intrinzic.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:324500413 Add Friend

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Joined Dead [6v6] Napy
Left The Toluene Terrorists [6v6] Chloe
Left YoYoTech HL [Highlander] Napy
Joined YoYoTech HL [Highlander] Napy
Joined The Toluene Terrorists [6v6] kaeg
Left Dead [6v6] Chloe
Left YoYoTech HL [Highlander] Napy
Joined Dead [6v6] Napy
Joined YoYoTech HL [Highlander] Napy

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One Comment

  1. Janteri said:
