ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicPyroScoutSoldier  Mid/Low Skill, Highlander

Kazakhstan lazcore

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on discord please: lazcore

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:180465285 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Sailor Stars Super Squad [6v6] nyxzsche
Left Team Spirt [Highlander] Pe4eNkiNkiN
Joined Team Spirt [Highlander] Pe4eNkiNkiN
Left Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] lazcore
Joined Kazakhstan [National Highlander Team] Kumis
Left Para bellum [Highlander] lazcore
Left Kazakhstan [National 6v6 Team] Timson
Joined Para bellum [Highlander] MattFor
Left HALL OF SUPER BEST FRIENDS [Highlander] lazcore
Joined HALL OF SUPER BEST FRIENDS [Highlander] Scope
Left #freefidus [Highlander] mhu
Joined #freefidus [Highlander] mhu
Left Borat Inc. [Highlander] lazcore
Left Borat Himself [1v1] lazcore
Joined Kazakhstan [National 6v6 Team] Kumis
Joined Borat Inc. [Highlander] lazcore
Joined Borat Himself [1v1] lazcore
Left Europe All-Stars [Highlander] lazcore
Left European Suicide Hotline [6v6 Fun Team] lazcore
Joined Europe All-Stars [Highlander] red
Joined Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] lazcore
Joined European Suicide Hotline [6v6 Fun Team] red

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid/Low 1 238
View Mid 0 180
View Mid 0 194
View Mid 6 424
View Low 0 161
View Mid/Low 0 101
View Open 0 164
View Open 0 114
View Low/Open 4 364

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