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Heavy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Poland Kelesch

Posted: | Last Online:

D2 or D3

kelesch#5503 or Steam

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83673269 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Virtus.plow [Highlander] hErtz
Joined kocham PiS [4v4] magic
Joined bring back gullywash [Highlander Fun Team] hErtz
Left Polonia Napleton [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined Polonia Napleton [Highlander] Mk.3
Left Ninjas in Paris [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined JAREK FAN CLUB [LAN Team] Nady
Joined Ninjas in Paris [Highlander] Koma
Left Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Left ... [LAN Team] cr.
Joined Kula i Omen [2v2] Kelesch
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Left LELE [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined ULTRAS TWR EKIPA [6v6 Fun Team] masuj
Left Ratujmy Zloza Wegla [6v6 Fun Team] Kelesch
Joined LELE [Highlander] hErtz
Left Polish Tea [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined auwidezejen [6v6] hErtz
Joined Polish Tea [Highlander] WhiteMen
Left LELE [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined Ratujmy Zloza Wegla [6v6 Fun Team] Kelesch
Left ACODIN MASTERS [6v6] Kelesch
Joined ... [LAN Team] Frager
Joined ACODIN MASTERS [6v6] hErtz
Left Weebtech [6v6] Kelesch
Joined LELE [Highlander] hErtz
Left 3 Kill a Watt [Highlander] Kelesch
Left FRENDS :))dD [6v6 Fun Team] eth4n
Joined 3 Kill a Watt [Highlander] Woodymm
Joined FRENDS :))dD [6v6 Fun Team] eth4n
Left placeholder [6v6 Fun Team] Kelesch
Joined Weebtech [6v6] Houf
Left LELE [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined placeholder [6v6 Fun Team] desty
Joined LELE [Highlander] hErtz
Left Bruh momentos [Highlander] Kelesch
Joined Bruh momentos [Highlander] Fluff3w

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Mid 4 260
View High/Mid 12 514
View Mid/Low 10 359
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View Open 3 246
View Open 12 333


  1. Nady: F6 - TEMU said:

    give him a chance

  2. hErtz said:


  3. Brick May: TEMU said:

    beast give him a chance

  4. Slippy: TEMU said:


  5. Sariel said:


  6. magic: rigcz - BGM said:

    Monday left me broken
    Tuesday I was through with hopin’
    Wednesday my empty arms were open
    Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love
    Thank the stars it’s Friday
    I’m burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
    Guess I won’t be coming to church on Sunday
    I’ll be waiting for love

  7. Toby: 2MNYCHDS said:

    beast heave

  8. Lilliputt: (Anti Cheat Trial) said:

    kelesch :D

  9. lunaire: rigcz - VP said:


  10. lunaire: rigcz - VP said:

    brilliant superb cool chill sexy funny kovaaks unenjoyer massive pała massive chlop half a kg of live mass truly a big skurwysyn playing big skurwysyn with a minigun kurwa good player good ftiend kelesxh ty wiesz ze ja ciebie szanuje?? no wlasnie. wiem ze zawsze cie wyzywam i mowie ze grasz jak kawal piekącego sraczyska (usunieto ze znajomych) ale ty jestes jednak schef nie? jakbym cie zobaczyl na ulicy to bym ci moze nawet piwo postawil a jakbys chcial to bysmy mogli spalic razem papieroska (l&m albo jakiegos marlboraska) na ulicach green mountain razem z kolegą @nady :D ja bylem kiedys w grecji i tam mieli takie dobre piwo

  11. Maki: VP said:

    jarek pasha runda nasza filip neo jest 2 0 wiktor taz w gowno wlazl pawel byali konia wali

  12. Fried Chicken of Death said:

    Dobra modra

  13. hErtz said:

    giga bonsko zawodnik naprawde mocarny

  14. Nady: F6 - TEMU said:

    dupnij sobie lolka czlowieku ;-)