ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

Turkey Turkiyeli

Posted: | Last Online:

discord : ugur#2723
steam : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161519416/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:201253688 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] Turkiyeli
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] yalin
Left neoWise [6v6] Turkiyeli
Left tf2pickup.web.tr [6v6 Fun Team] Turkiyeli
Joined neoWise [6v6] demirbilek
Left tan ayakkabisini gosteriyo nike [2v2] tantwo
Joined tan ayakkabisini gosteriyo nike [2v2] tantwo
Joined TF2 RONESANS TR [LAN Team] Turkiyeli
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Turkiyeli
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] ouz
Joined tf2pickup.web.tr [6v6 Fun Team] BKTS
Left neoWise [6v6] Turkiyeli
Joined neoWise [6v6] demirbilek
Left Weird Dreams [6v6] Turkiyeli
Joined Weird Dreams [6v6] Cathulhu
Left Weird Dreams Orange [6v6] Cathulhu
Joined Weird Dreams Orange [6v6] Cathulhu
Left Nirvana eSports [6v6] Turkiyeli
Joined Nirvana eSports [6v6] E H E
Left Weird Dreams Orange [6v6] Turkiyeli
Joined Weird Dreams Orange [6v6] Cathulhu
Left The Harmony [Highlander] Turkiyeli
Joined The Harmony [Highlander] Festlizc
Left The Turks Buffoon [6v6 Fun Team] Turkiyeli
Left Deathline 6s [6v6] DereK
Joined The Turks Buffoon [6v6 Fun Team] Morbilek
Left Agro Tryhards [Highlander] Morbilek
Joined Agro Tryhards [Highlander] Morbilek
Joined Deathline 6s [6v6] Morbilek

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  1. nutbeans said:


  2. Mercimek: :pray: - AVN said:

    kasli turk medic

  3. mak FP: soon... - hp said:

    turkish raymon

  4. Nata: nW said:


  5. Nata: nW said:


  6. ouz: EF said:
