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MedicPyro  Open Skill, Highlander

Russia Dante loves Vergil

Posted: | Last Online:

Dedicated support player. Medic, pyro. I am not experienced in comp, but feel very at home on casual. Looking to improve my skills: map talks, game analyses and just fun. Open to any suggestions/critics and ready to learn.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:162910371 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left LTG - HoF [Highlander Fun Team] ZestyMace
Left LowTierGods [Highlander] ZestyMace
Joined LTG - HoF [Highlander Fun Team] ZestyMace
Joined LowTierGods [Highlander] wavy
Left 7th Legion [Highlander] Dante loves Vergil
Joined 7th Legion [Highlander] Goodly
Left Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] Dante loves Vergil
Joined Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] SqnkaBG
Left B.K. [Highlander] Dante loves Vergil
Joined B.K. [Highlander] mooncaller.

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  1. daskie said:

    why u mid/low go open

  2. Fartsa: AVN said:

    Девочка, тебе в казуал

  3. nevoskan said:

    Пепел не повторяй историю с просто-свитом

  4. Villa said:


  5. Sweet: core said:

    She’s been playing casual more than i live💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  6. Sweet: core said:


  7. elegardo said:

    Good pyro and medic, but try to play your first season at open. That will be better for you

  8. Ritz said:

    Если девочки на казуал, то куда Пеплу? Думайте

  9. Denys: Николай - Второй said:

    пепел крутой игрок и катман рутой и пахан от дропа и памер тоже крутой и ксенон и турбаждинск и коса тоже все крутые

  10. Lebron James said:


  11. starboy said:

    навалили базы……