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Heavy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Germany Jane

Posted: | Last Online:

please, no troll teams. I want to take the season seriously.
wlg ✿#3641

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1011574456 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left OMEGAFEED [Highlander] Spino
Left OMEGAFEED [Highlander Fun Team] Jane
Joined OMEGAFEED [Highlander] Spino
Left Egyptian Fried Chicken [Highlander] Jane
Joined Egyptian Fried Chicken [Highlander] ggabe
Left Contract In Flames [Highlander] Jane
Joined OMEGAFEED [Highlander Fun Team] Jane
Joined Contract In Flames [Highlander] Eraxa
Left Kill with Kindness [Highlander] Jane
Joined Midget Masters Vol2: Even smaller [6v6] Jane
Left Midget Masters [6v6] Jane
Joined Kill with Kindness [Highlander] Lillian_01
Left Bug Shaker Central [Highlander] ggabe
Joined Bug Shaker Central [Highlander] ggabe
Left on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] Jane
Joined Midget Masters [6v6] Jane
Joined on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] Destiny
Left Hydro homies [6v6] Jane
Left Jollyweed [Highlander] Jane
Joined Hydro homies [6v6] Tywhip
Joined Jollyweed [Highlander] Zeus
Left Cats with Hats [Highlander] Jane
Joined Cats with Hats [Highlander] emil
Left Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] Jane
Left Goofy Ahh [6v6] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] Jane
Left Globo Gym [Highlander] Jane
Joined Goofy Ahh [6v6] Jane
Left spin the burger for offclass scrim [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined spin the burger for offclass scrim [6v6 Fun Team] Peams
Left The Fungus Boi's [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined Globo Gym [Highlander] Zamparonie
Left Monkey Mafia [6v6] Harps
Left Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Jane
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Peams
Left Middies Must Die [Highlander] Jane
Joined Middies Must Die [Highlander] oskumi
Left P4E [Highlander] Jane
Joined Monkey Mafia [6v6] Peams
Joined P4E [Highlander] Peams
Left Mad for Disaster [Highlander] Jane
Joined The Fungus Boi's [6v6 Fun Team] Fluffy
Left DBTM [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster [Highlander] Jane
Left P4E [Highlander] Jane
Joined P4E [Highlander] Peams
Joined DBTM [6v6 Fun Team] Peams
Left Just a Rabbit [Highlander] Jane
Joined Just a Rabbit [Highlander] Genuine Bear
Left Shrine Of Raphtalia [Highlander] Jane
Joined Shrine Of Raphtalia [Highlander] pyon
Left on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] Jane
Left GREGLEGACY [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined GREGLEGACY [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left on god; Legacy Edition [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left ad azudga [2v2] Jane
Joined on god; sponsored by MS PAINT [Highlander] Destiny
Left Architects Of Doom [Highlander] Jane
Left Skill Issue [6v6] Jane
Joined Skill Issue [6v6] P1nball
Left Gas Geben [6v6] Jane
Joined Gas Geben [6v6] Jane
Joined ad azudga [2v2] Jane
Joined Architects Of Doom [Highlander] malotenbende
Left Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] MysticShadow
Left 5k Ping [Highlander] picture
Joined 5k Ping [Highlander] picture
Left 5k Ping [Highlander] Jane
Joined 5k Ping [Highlander] picture
Joined on god; Legacy Edition [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster! 6s [6v6] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster : wlg's solo journey [1v1] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster : the squad [2v2] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster : Legacy [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left Mad for Disaster : LAN [LAN Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster : LAN [LAN Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster : the squad [2v2] Jane
Left gordon ramsay's beef wellington [LAN Team] Jane
Joined gordon ramsay's beef wellington [LAN Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster : Legacy [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left Large Schlong [2v2] Jane
Left Droogu eSports: Legacy [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster! [Highlander] Jane
Left no? [Highlander] Jane
Joined no? [Highlander] Jane
Left CringeLordsUnited [Highlander] Jane
Joined Droogu eSports: Legacy [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Left Pepsi is better than Coke [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined Mad for Disaster! 6s [6v6] Jane
Left rage against the bots [6v6] Jane
Joined CringeLordsUnited [Highlander] Slippy
Left Crimson Kings [Highlander] Jane
Joined rage against the bots [6v6] Jane
Left Maxus [6v6] Jane
Left Question Mark [LAN Team] Jane
Joined Question Mark [LAN Team] Jane
Joined Crimson Kings [Highlander] Guz
Left Maxus [Highlander] Jane
Joined Maxus [6v6] Jane
Joined Maxus [Highlander] Stalol
Left Maxus 6s [6v6] Jane
Left Maxus [Highlander] Jane
Joined Maxus [Highlander] Stalol
Left Maxus [Highlander] Stalol
Joined Mad for Disaster : wlg's solo journey [1v1] Jane
Joined Pepsi is better than Coke [6v6 Fun Team] Jane
Joined Large Schlong [2v2] Jane
Joined Maxus 6s [6v6] Guz
Left Maxus 6s [6v6] Jane
Joined Maxus 6s [6v6] Jane
Left Top Gear [6v6] Jane
Joined Maxus [Highlander] Jane
Joined Top Gear [6v6] Jane
Left RETRO Highlander [Highlander] Jane
Left RetroExperience [6v6] Jane
Joined RETRO Highlander [Highlander] Jane
Joined RetroExperience [6v6] Jane

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 3 350
View Open 0 106
View High 5 356
View Mid 14 672
View Low/Open 2 277
View High 6 373
View High 0 346
View Open 9 312
View Mid 27 1027
View High/Mid 15 915
View Open 0 209
View Open 6 451
View Low 7 679
View Open 1 366
View Open 5 391
View Low/Open 5 295
View Low 6 410


  1. ethereal said:

    why do you change divs so much i swear you wanted to join an open team a second ago

  2. Jane: SSG said:

    (he doesn’t know what trolling is)

  3. Peams: MAGDONAL - TEMU said:


  4. Morbus: juice - BBG said:

    big gamer

  5. omnivore: TF - makineler said:

    schizo pooter (in a good way)

  6. s0rce said:


  7. fidus said:


  8. Jane: SSG said:


  9. oskumi said:

    Really underrated pick for mid/d2. Good gamesense and really aggro :D