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Medic  Open Skill, Highlander

Ireland Potato

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking to get into highlander, I have a bit of highlander experience but am willing to improve

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:335344773 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] DigyB
Joined We Windows [6v6] Vermilion
Left Spy Boys [6v6] Potato
Left foop [Highlander Fun Team] Potato
Left Benpl's Big Bouncing Booty Batrol [6v6 Fun Team] Potato
Joined Spy Boys [6v6] dempsey
Joined Benpl's Big Bouncing Booty Batrol [6v6 Fun Team] Hugo
Left BEANSPORTS [6v6] Potato
Joined BEANSPORTS [6v6] aless
Left TWERK DON'T TWEAK [6v6] Potato
Joined foop [Highlander Fun Team] vlad9
Joined TWERK DON'T TWEAK [6v6] foop
Left STAR KEBAB [6v6] Potato
Joined STAR KEBAB [6v6] fikrep
Left stfu noob [6v6] Potato
Joined stfu noob [6v6] star
Left No playoffs? [6v6] Potato
Left Hungary.TF [National Hungary.tf Team] [6v6 Fun Team] Potato
Joined Hungary.TF [National Hungary.tf Team] [6v6 Fun Team] CacTus
Joined No playoffs? [6v6] .
Left Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] lazcore
Joined Borat Solutions Ltd. [6v6] lazcore
Left full goblin mode [6v6] Potato
Joined full goblin mode [6v6] FL1X
Left FlawlewssHL [Highlander] Potato
Left remix [6v6] Potato
Joined remix [6v6] tomi50
Left Team Flaw [6v6] Potato
Joined FlawlewssHL [Highlander] RHYSO
Left Policeman [Highlander] Potato
Joined Policeman [Highlander] Chris
Left 3 Kill a Watt [Highlander] Woodymm
Joined 3 Kill a Watt [Highlander] Woodymm
Left Clown Law Graduates [Highlander] Potato
Joined Clown Law Graduates [Highlander] PhoenixHeanix
Joined Team Flaw [6v6] pexo
Left Jeremy Clarkson's Onlyfans [Highlander] Naeb
Joined Jeremy Clarkson's Onlyfans [Highlander] Naeb

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 1 99
View High/Mid 3 266
View High/Mid 5 275
View High/Mid 4 349
View High/Mid 13 642
View Mid 3 261
View Mid 10 459
View Mid 3 299
View Mid 11 555
View Mid 11 541
View Low/Open 6 525
View Low/Open 1 259
View Low/Open 3 358
View Low/Open 3 448
View Low/Open 0 259

One Comment

  1. RHYSO: E6 said:

    Good keen player. Give him a shot, wont disappoint!