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Sniper  Prem Skill, Highlander

European oblique training

Posted: | Last Online:

I have decided to play highlander. I played a couple of pubs so and topscore by a mile everytime so Im ready for prem (after all it is highlander).
Also if you want to suggest me an other div, spare me your advice, I dont take suggestions from people who look worse than me (99.9% of you).

"you just play gay"
"you will never be good"
"theres no way someone with your god-tier physique and jawline could be real"

These are just a few of the toxic comments you see being thrown at me on a constant basis. If only you could direct that negativity into getting better there is even a small chance that you might get out of open. So no toxic teams pls

Stay shredded friends.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1154889907 Add Friend

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    Best sniper ive ever seen, and ive played with stalker

  2. Xi: HELLAS said:

    better than me must be picked up immediately he is most amazing prodigy of tf2 history i think no player ever will manage to reach that level ever! he is trully the choosen one! he should have a division made just for him

  3. saltyy said:

    This user has been banned from the ETF2L. This ban will expire on 24 June 2022

  4. DickSauce: 2BU said:

    best player in the game. Never lost a single match on badlands middle.

  5. oblique training said:

    update: just got banned from panda mge for 1 month by ash (etf2l.org/forum/user/14356/) because I reminded him of his high school bully and he felt threatened.

    now i wanna play hl even more

  6. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    sad news, i hope the ash guy gets bullied again haha!! 😈😈

  7. Blanc: 43 said:

    didnt you have sexual interactions with a child? creep

  8. oblique training said:

    to cement my legacy even further, I just beat v!s


  9. Tw4tter: THUGPRO - 256 said:

    guys please no toxic here!
    he’s so handsome so nono rude!

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