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ScoutSoldier  Mid/Low Skill, 6v6

Germany lacurio

Posted: | Last Online:

lft S40 as flank scout or roamer.
I have experience with both classes in low.
Would like to join a team that thinks it has a shot at low playoffs or is playing mid.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:99436048 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 11/9 [6v6] chocolate
Left Me and Michael [6v6] lacurio
Joined Me and Michael [6v6] chocolate
Left 11/9 [6v6] lacurio
Joined Kingor's Balls [4v4] chocolate
Joined 11/9 [6v6] chocolate
Left Me and Michael [6v6] lacurio
Joined Geneva Suggestion [Highlander Fun Team] Winter Personified
Joined p9's unnamed team [Highlander] Winter Personified
Joined Me and Michael [6v6] chocolate
Left 11/9 [6v6] lacurio
Joined 11/9 [6v6] p968
Left Kingor's cocs [6v6] lacurio
Joined Kingor's cocs [6v6] Kingorcoc
Left DEMO DIFF [6v6] lacurio
Joined DEMO DIFF [6v6] gold
Left Kingor's cocs [6v6] lacurio
Left Geneva Suggestion [Highlander] Winter Personified
Joined Geneva Suggestion [Highlander] Kingorcoc
Joined Kingor's cocs [6v6] nash
Left Bad at Positioning [6v6] lacurio
Joined Bad at Positioning [6v6] Miko
Left Pin-up Girls [6v6] lacurio
Joined Pin-up Girls [6v6] Miko
Left Arab Shreks [6v6 Fun Team] lacurio
Left Pin-up Girls [6v6] lacurio
Joined Pin-up Girls [6v6] lacurio
Left Bad at Positioning [6v6] lacurio
Joined Arab Shreks [6v6 Fun Team] Miko
Left Lost and Confused [6v6 Fun Team] lacurio
Joined Bad at Positioning [6v6] Miko
Left Booze [6v6] lacurio
Joined Booze [6v6] QB
Joined Lost and Confused [6v6 Fun Team] Kingorcoc
Left bacon [6v6] lacurio
Joined bacon [6v6] fumitos_deathhh
Left Beverage-Crew [6v6] lacurio
Joined Beverage-Crew [6v6] QB
Left VoxelMods [6v6] Pyroish
Joined VoxelMods [6v6] Pyroish

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Low/Open 0 236
View Low/Open 3 371


  1. zek said:

    BEAST PLAYER Pick him up now!

  2. master said:

    fine player

  3. KOG: 11/9 - PC said:

    Good scout and a very nice gentleman , pick him up

  4. chocolate: 11/9 - Arti Rush said:

    Very soft and attractive voice, but do not mistake him for a feminine gamer boy, he is a true #sigmamale when it comes to winning, pick him before he finds a better team than yours

  5. Kingorcoc: 11/9 - toys said:

    great player and a great team mate

  6. p968: p9's said:

    i have never beaten this man ;-;, but im not good so :Shrug: but i mean he can do the aim well.

  7. tantwo: nW - makineler said:


  8. Winter Personified: 11/9 said:

    good boi