ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  Mid/Low Skill, Highlander

Armenia kilikia

Posted: | Last Online:

Turns out that the post disappears if no one bumps…. but the cringe to post the same thing is too high.
So I made a CV for local HRs: https://bit.ly/3fCYFg5


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:389995942 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Wicked Lotus [6v6] Kaylus
Joined Հայաստանի Պաշտոնական Խումբ [LAN Team] kilikia
Joined Wicked Lotus [Highlander] Kaylus
Left Enclave [Highlander] veatut
Left Gaben's Angels [6v6 Fun Team] kilikia
Joined Enclave [Highlander] kirai
Left QYARTU DEATH BRIGADE [Highlander] Furiosa
Joined QYARTU DEATH BRIGADE [Highlander] Furiosa
Left hopebusters [Highlander] kilikia
Joined hopebusters [Highlander] tapper
Left ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] kilikia
Joined ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] fanya
Left Joe's Garage [Highlander] kilikia
Joined Gaben's Angels [6v6 Fun Team] Lin
Left Armenia [National 6v6 Team] [6v6 Fun Team] kilikia
Joined Joe's Garage [Highlander] sugo
Left summer cyber school [Highlander] kilikia
Joined summer cyber school [Highlander] Husky
Left PBS [Highlander] kilikia
Joined Armenia [National 6v6 Team] [6v6 Fun Team] tendon
Joined PBS [Highlander] Klarra
Left shashlik esports gaming [6v6] kilikia
Joined shashlik esports gaming [6v6] kilikia

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid/Low 20 1361


  1. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    solid resume, you look like the perfect candidate. I noticed you didn’t include your phone number so if you could include that we could start talking.

  2. tendon: FaZe said:

    armenian king, barev :D

  3. obi: (Trial Admin) - - DBLE said:

    beast engie, godlike shotgun aim

  4. Serik said:

    good engie

  5. Kumis: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    azerbaijan vpered!
    azerbaijan vpered!
    azerbaijan vpered!
    azerbaijan vpered!

  6. RawLOP said:

    Best engi

  7. mojo said:

    beast engie!

  8. shinso: 哟什 said:


  9. Akio: bF said:

    honestly +rep for the CV, give him an epic team

  10. kilikia: wL. - wL. said:

    shinso, the one thing falling is my fat ass on ur face

  11. tendon: FaZe said:

    na aynk’an himar e lol

  12. Woodymm: #WARLORD said:

    best engie

  13. starboy: BuizPeng said:


  14. Wietrzu: AA2 said:


  15. MAGGOT KING said:


  16. MAGGOT KING said:
