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Spy  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Turkey flewvar

Posted: | Last Online:

I've got past comp experience and I have good callouts (imo)
I am a fluent English speaker and will have no trouble communicating
I prefer main more than sub please
I can play from 10:00 to 21:00 CET

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:278677960 Add Friend

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Left Claylexin Askerleri Sponsored By Smyrna [6v6] pod
Joined Claylexin Askerleri Sponsored By Smyrna [6v6] pod
Left Societe Des Jacobins [Highlander] flewvar
Left Societe Des Jacobins [6v6] flewvar
Joined Societe Des Jacobins [6v6] Maximilien
Left P.M.S 6's [6v6] flewvar
Joined Claylexin Askerleri [6v6 Fun Team] pod
Joined Societe Des Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien
Left Jacobins [Highlander] flewvar
Joined Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien
Left 5 Dollar Club [Highlander] flewvar
Joined 5 Dollar Club [Highlander] b3hold
Left Late To School [Highlander] flewvar
Joined Late To School [Highlander] sunflower
Left Jacobins [Highlander] flewvar
Joined Jacobins [Highlander] Maximilien
Left CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Maximilien
Joined CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Maximilien
Left PBS [Highlander] flewvar
Joined P.M.S 6's [6v6] flewvar
Joined PBS [Highlander] flewvar

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  1. sven: 2MNYCHDS said:

    good at SPY class on general, have a good knowledge, skilled and pretty neat gamer. Pick him! he is a beast!!!

  2. kreumat: GYM said:


  3. t9m said:

    give a chance to him

  4. flewvar said:


  5. T1mmy: 11/9 - Arti Rush said:

    Copied me D: (Pro cuz knuiai have more tghan 10k kil on it :D)