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MedicScout  Open Skill, 6v6

France Galien

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking to start playing TF2 comp 6v6 as scout (or medic) to better my overall skills in the game.

I currently have 1k hours into the game (in casual), and my most played class is medic, followed by scout and then soldier.

I am completely new to comp (apart from a few valve comp matches) and never played with a team but I am eager to learn!

(I talk french and english)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:873225582 Add Friend

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  1. Azitio: Houssem said:


  2. Pupute: ExD said:

    Bon chance !

  3. yakalelo: -ƒ$-BLAH said:

    amuses toi bien !

  4. Sun4: Fish12 said:


  5. ympo said:

    y’a moyen que tu fasse une ptite team avec sossok haha

  6. Momentum99 said:

    added you for a trial if you interested

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