ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicPyroSniperSpy  Low/Open Skill, 6v6 Fun Team


Posted by kreumat: | Last Online:

First of all, its an ugc highlander team, not etf2l. We're going to join silver, looking for top open and low players. We scrim once a week, can say playoffs guaranteed( if we dont decide to uber engineer and throw for fun it is guaranteed!) . Going to maptalk for only ugc maps that we dont play often, so please if you're going to join be someone who has total knowledge about basics the class you'll play and etf2l maps.

Also looking subs for every class, if you're a totally newbie player that knows only basics you can join as sub!

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  1. Zamparonie: MAGDONAL - op_sqd said:

    jesus christus this name

  2. Dome said:

    Spy main with 100hrs in spy who has no experience with competitive tf2, I can play as a sub

  3. Brick May: TEMU said:

    Sniper main with a 2 seasons of comp experince (6s and hl) have 2000hrs on game across both accounts and played lots of scrims and lobbies at low and mid level

  4. clo said:

    hey, i can play sniper (500+ hours), solly or scout if needed, in total 2000+ hours

  5. GhostsAreSpooky said:

    Hey there, have about 1000 hours on tf2 with a few hundred on spy. I have absolutely no competitive tf2 expierence (apart from valve comp but we don’t talk about it…). I wouldn’t mind being a sub and just want some training in the Comp scene.