ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanSoldier  Low Skill, 6v6

European protec

Posted by RNTenant: | Last Online:

Greetings ETF2L players, this is RNTenant speaking. protec is looking for the following to play with us during the up-and-coming ETF2L 6vs6 Season 33:
– a main Demoman (0 trials in queue);
– a substitute Pocket Soldier (0 trials in queue).

A team originally created to participate in the cancelled 2nd edition of TF2Center's Archimedes Cup, protec has been playing on this league for three seasons. The team made their first presence in the Low division during Season 32 and is planning on playing in that division again during the next season.

If you are looking to be a part of our roster, you must meet the following requirements:
– be a highly fluent English speaker;
– be a respectable person with a positive, serious attitude;
– show commitment to improve together with the rest of the roster;
– have a great understanding of the 6vs6 competitive format.

Additionally, the following would be good characteristics for you to have as a player (though not obligatory):
– possess good availability in terms of time slots (the team tends to play at the end of the afternoon and during the evening);
– have some degree of main-/co-calling abilities (main Demoman only).

Expect to undergo at least one trial if you wish to join our team. After the trial set, you may be asked some questions, which will not affect in any way their outcome.
The team will trial at most two players per slot at once.

If you wish to participate in a trial, you can contact me through one of the following methods:
– Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RNTenant
– Discord ID: RNTenant#0222

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One Comment

  1. qBowN∼: op_sqd said:

    Can win Low if Tenant had the right lunch for it.

    Also stop making your rec posts longer than my job applications