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SniperSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

Germany default

Posted: | Last Online:

I played a total of 2000 hours casual, mostly spy but also a lot of sniper. I recently got back into the game and really want to improve and play competitive now. I can speak English and German. Since I am a student, I can make myself available for matches/scrims quite easily.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:225916570 Add Friend

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Joined Just a Rabbit [Highlander] Bear
Left The Rolling Joint's [Highlander] Houf
Joined The Rolling Joint's [Highlander] Houf
Left Just a Rabbit [Highlander] default
Joined Just a Rabbit [Highlander] default

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  1. fault said:

    thanks for putting de in front of you name. will really help people tell the german fault apart from the english one ☺️

  2. default: JaR said:

    At first I thought you were talking about the german fault in a historical context, so I was a bit irritated at first. :D
    You are welcome.

  3. BlastFM: TS said:

    good one lad